Page 7 - Voices-2021-10
P. 7


                            Dave Bones, DTM

                            FOR THE LOVE OF LEARNING

                            Phyllis Harmon, DTM

                                      The 2020-21 District Toastmaster of the Year recipient is

                                      Dave Bones, DTM. In a recent two-hour Zoom call, Dave
                                      shared his love of Toastmasters and music.

                                          Dave joined Toastmasters in 2010 after reading Rich

                                      Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki. In the book, rich
                                      dad recommended joining Toastmasters to overcome
                                      speaking before large crowds. Bones said, “I thought
                                      if it’s good enough advice for Robert Kiyosaki, it was

                                      good enough for me.”
                                          Also, he was so inspired by the book that he flew
                                      to Arizona to be trained by Rich Dad Company as a
                                      Cash Flow Club Leader. Dave says he was passionate

                                      about wanting to improve his own situation and help
                                      others if he could.
                                          ”I actually was a Cash Flow Club leader for a year
                                      plus—we had meaningful interactions. The mission

                                      was never that I was going to tell someone what to do
                                      with their finances. It was more like people coming
                                      together wherever they’re at and share.
                                          I took the structure seriously. I took the structure

                                      that they trained me on, which happened to be very
                                      solid in terms of helping people. It always comes back
                                      to it, I guess, helping people with principles, meeting
                                      them where they’re at, and connecting at that level.

                                      We had some really meaningful meetings. I don’t
                                      look back on that with regret at all. I’ve since gone

                                                                                 VOICES! | OCTOBER 2021          7
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