Page 3 - Voices-2021-10
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Events Galore!

      Phyllis Harmon, DTM, PDG - Publisher/Editor

      Have you looked at the D7 event calendar recently? There are many
      opportunities to connect. Contests, webinars, you name it—people
      are actively seeking your participation in their events!

         I love the look of the calendar. It is bright and inviting. The events
      are there for the choosing. Since all are online, it makes attending
      them easy and fun. No more trying to find addresses, parking slots,
      and showing up at the door.
         On top of that, our new Public Relations Manager, Stephana

      Johnson, launched Saturday Morning Social with PR Manager Stephana.
      It looks like it will be a great hit with members. She is posting the
      videos on the D7 Toastmasters Facebook group as well as the D7

      Youtube channel. Check it out!
         Several clubs are holding Tall Tales contests in preparation for
      the International Speech and Speech Evaluation Contests that begin
      at the Club level in December. Tall Tales are always fun events.
         Toastmasters Leadership Institute program planning is underway.                             EDITORIAL

      Lorri Andersen, Program Quality Director, has added her touch to
      the semi-annual event by scheduling some sessions on Friday night,
      with the main event on Saturday. More to come on that in the next

         I also see that there are open houses and new club kickoff meetings
      scheduled. These are also must attend events, don’t you think? We
      have so much to choose from just by opening the District 7 calendar.
      My challenge is deciding which events to attend. Which ones will I

      see you at? I think I’ll choose that, and that, and . . .

       Volume 8 Issue 03 September 2021 Monthly Columnists  2021-22 Officers      Administrative Manager
       Publisher                  David Freedman, IP3      District Director      Graham Smith, PM2
       Phyllis Harmon, DTM        Eldred Brown, DTM        Eldred Brown, DTM
                                  Emilie Taylor, DTM                              Public Relations Manager
       Senior Editor              Harvey Schowe, DTM       Program Quality Director  Stephana Johnson, DL3
       Phyllis Harmon, DTM        Jennifer Schmidt, EH2    Lorri Andersen, DTM
                                  Lee Coyne, ATMS          Club Growth Director
      Associate Editor            Lorri Andersen, DTM      Jim Robison, DTM       Voices! is published monthly by District 7
      Leanna Lindquist, DTM       Paul Fanning, DTM                               Toastmasters. First issue published August
                                  PJ Kleffner, DTM         Finance Manager        2014. Submit articles or contact us at
                                                           Jamie Gould, CC

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