Page 11 - Voices-2021-10
P. 11
Marley had passed but I was fascinated by the urban environment with a small town feel, and
bass player in his group. nature around it. And maybe a slightly more
I didn’t know his real name, but I was laid back feel. Boston—I mean—I am an East
introduced to him as Family Man. I had a Coaster! So I understand that attitude, and I
chance to hang out with one of my idols. He even can quickly do things—but I also liked the laid
invited me on their tour bus at the time. He was back, take your time approach to things. And
very gracious. I played kind of an obscure song Portland seemed to be exactly that.
that nobody probably would know, unless you The music community in many ways
knew about that genre. He knew it instantly. I embraced me very quickly. I was able to start
remember him saying, ‘cool trombone man.” playing right away in jam sessions. I met some
That was a real compliment.” wonderful individuals, people very willing to
I asked Dave if he had any other memorable share their knowledge and their talent.”
stories in his musical wanderings. Bones, “it was Today Dave is a private music teacher and an
interesting working on the cruise ships. I think artist representative for S.E. Shires Company,
my favorite thing about that was the ability to a top trombone manufacturer. He finds that
play with name artists. I was probably right at Toastmasters has helped tremendously in
the tail end when those name artists were still improving his communication style. When
using a show orchestra. So that was super. I have asked to elaborate, he shared “Well, certainly
to try and recall. The Fifth Dimension was one. professionally, you know, in my teaching, so one
The Platters. Maureen McGovern who sang The on one, absolutely much better connection on
Impossible Dream. The Fifth Dimension was Zoom. And in person for that matter. Like all
one. The Platters. Maureen McGovern who sang the gestures and things like that I do all this in
The Impossible Dream or something. She would person. I’m like, ‘how can I connect? How can
sing jazz in the style of Annie Ross. Bill Cunliffe, we connect to accomplish what we’re doing
who was a jazz piano player and composer—just together?’ So one-on-one clinics all day long.”
a lot of big names. It was magical just being Dave says that he tutors whole brass sections
able to do that on the water. It was a little crazy in addition to his one-on-one sessions. “It’s
sometimes. But, I certainly am glad I did it. I definitely like the whole low brass—that would
think the big benefit, again, was the chance to either include all the trombones, or it could be
interact with some of the big name artists. It’s trombones, baritones, tubas. And sometimes
just like in Toastmasters—getting a chance to I also do clinics for a jazz band. I’ll help them
meet and connect with different types of people with improvisation. And that would involve
from different backgrounds. 15 people in the band of all instruments, for
In moving to Portland from Boston, Dave example.
found a city vibe he felt comfortable with. “I As a former Feedbackers member, Dave has
knew that I wanted the benefits of an urban used his evaluation skills to help struggling
environment. I wanted the benefits of both an clients find their mojo. When I asked for an