Page 21 - Voices-2021-05
P. 21
Emilie Taylor, DTM - Immediate Past District Director
like my heart was in my throat! will never ever be done with Toastmasters.” He
Now the question is why did I do it? Why then goes on to say. “Ah. . . welcome to the Hotel
did I put myself in that position? Why? Other California. . . you can check out anytime, but you
people believed in me and what I could bring to can never leave.” You can, but why?
District leadership. Without other Toastmasters Yes, fellow Toastmasters, I will be here serving
believing in me, lending their hand to help as club officer/s and will be mentoring future
me step up, I would not have done it. Growth leaders. You can bet on that! Why gamble on a
happens only when we step out, step forward, sure thing?
and step up without stepping on others. This is We have seen this year how things like life,
the transformational power of Toastmasters. It health and vitality can end suddenly. Remember
truly changes people’s lives. that throughout life you can enrich your sphere
What will I do moving forward? I will always by enriching others or you can judge, debase,
be a Toastmaster. I will be a lifer for Toastmasters. and impoverish your sphere. Broadly speaking,
Let me tell you something that makes me laugh. your sphere is this here marble called Terra
These days, my husband Steven often finds me Firma or Earth. There are so many souls that
in front of my laptop answering emails and need kindness, uplift, encouragement, and
what do you know. . . it’s happened all the time basically, love—your love. This is one of the
or at least 99% of the time. Yes it is Toastmasters few commodities that is free! The more you
related. He goes on to say “I thought you were give without strings, the more your life, too,
done with Toastmasters?” I thought you were is enriched! Strive for gratitude, see the good
a Burnt Toastmaster. Darn that Covid thing, I in others, and let go of the petty things. Toast
missed the “Frenchtoastmasters” extravaganza Life. Toast the good! That is what Toastmasters
in Paris! I guess better to be home, as Covid has makes you!
been nothing to sneeze at. Back to you Fellow Toastmasters.
Then I explained: “Yes, I am officially done Fare ye well!
as District Director or in this case almost done
as an Immediate Past District Director, but I
VOICES! | MAY 2021 21