Page 18 - Voices-2021-05
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      Webinar Recap

      Lorri Andersen, DTM

      Club Growth Director

       Where were you on the night of April 21, 2021?
      If you said you were attending the Communicating  Kleffner and Eldred Brown concluded the
      in Competitive Times webinar, you gave the right  meeting with a question and answer period.

      answer! In addition, you were at the right place           Is it a coincidence that Gary, Cindy,  Jim, Adele,
      at the right time! Seriously? Yes!                     and PJ have advanced their careers in both their
           If you don’t have a Toastmasters Club  work lives and Toastmasters? I think not!
      at your workplace have you ever wondered                   The benefits of a Toastmasters program

      why? In the webinar, Gary Schmidt, DTM  in your corporation are far reaching. There
      (Past International President), Cindy Laatch,  are benefits not just for yourself but for your
      DTM (Region 1 Advisor), Jim Kohli, DTM (Past  company.
      International Director), Adele O’Neal, DTM (past           You learn how to listen and present, and you

      Region advisor), and PJ Kleffner, DTM (District  gain the confidence to do so.
      7 Director) clearly stated the reasons why you             Toastmasters is for those that want to advance
      should!                                                their careers, give their best, and continue to be
           Many people ask me how to start a  a lifelong learner. Learned Toastmasters skills

      Toastmasters Club, what are the benefits,  are transferable to every position a person has
      and what is the return on investment for my  and are experiential. Which means these skills
      corporation? Communicating in Competitive Times  are learned by doing them, not by reading and
      was developed to answer those questions.               studying.

          This was the best one-hour discussions I have          Do you know someone who wants to learn
      experienced. There were non-Toastmasters as  about this amazing program? Please share the
      well as seasoned Toastmasters in the audience.  Communicating in Competitive Times video with
      It helped those that had not yet joined to make  them. Click here for the link. They will be

      a better decision by hearing and seeing existing  convinced that joining Toastmasters will be one
      Toastmasters.                                          of the best decisions they make.
          In his Keynote speech, Gary Schmidt shared
      how his Toastmasters experience has helped him

      as the Administrator for Clackamas County.
      Cindy Laatsch, an IT professional at Harley
      Davidson, led the panel of business professionals
      with Toastmasters in their background. PJ

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