Page 20 - Voices-2021-05
P. 20



       Emilie Taylor, DTM - Immediate Past District Director

      In less than six weeks, I’ll be joining a cadre of  to the 2021-2022 leadership team! You have my
      Past District Directors/Governors (PDD/PDG).            highest respect and admiration for wanting to
          It has been six years of continued service as  serve our District membership.

      a member of the District Executive Committee               The District election brought back memories
      (DEC)—starting as an Area Director, then heading  of my own experience when running as Club
      a Division,  three years in Trio service: first as  Growth Director (CGD) in May of 2017. In my
      a Club Growth Director, then Program Quality  three years campaigning for a Trio position,

      Director, and then District Director.  Whew!  this was the only office that was contested.  This
      Currently, I have been serving as the Immediate  meant someone else was running for the same
      Past District Director. Soon, this too will come  position. By Protocol 9.0, we had to give a two-
      to an end. I’m not sure what to make of it really.   minute campaign speech before the voting

      I will be a Past, Past District Director. . .           commenced. It is the last song or performance
          Has Emilie left the building?  No, the Ghost  before Council members vote!  I remember that I
      of Emilie Past will continue building—building  hardly slept the night before. I campaigned even
      lives. She will continue to serve in many ways,  more the morning before the business meeting.

      helping lives—enriching and sharing the good  I shook as many hands as I could and remember
      that Toastmasters has given her. I want you all  saying “Hello, my name is Emilie Taylor, I am
      to remember something. . . it is not where we are  running for the office of Club Growth Director,
      in a position, it is the position we take in helping  I need your vote.”

      others that makes a difference!  Thus, wherever            While this was happening, I was also flooded
      you are in your journey, you can take others by  with thoughts like: What if I lost this election?
      the hands and lift them up. Know, too, that there  What will I do? Where did I put the brown paper
      are hands ready to lift you higher.  That is really  bag to put over my head?  How will I face people?

      the journey in Toastmasters!                            What does rhubarb pie taste like?  Did I turn off
          We elected a new set of District leaders at  the tea pot?  It was not a very comfortable place
      the Annual District Council Business Meeting  to be. Determined, I forged ahead regardless of
      on May 15th. Congratulations and best wishes  the anxiety, the pending outcome, still feeling

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