Page 12 - April 2021 Voices
P. 12
Make a Difference
PJ Kleffner, DTM - District Director
Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King Jr., other situations, both literally and figuratively.
Mother Theresa, Ludwig van Beethoven, Grandpa made a difference in my life.
Alfred Hitchcock—Why do we recognize these Have you seen the movie As Good As it Gets
names? We know them because they made a with Jack Nicholson and Helen Hunt? For those
difference. Whether leading a nation or a civil of you who haven’t seen it, Jack Nicholson plays
rights movement, composing beautiful music a rather despicable character suffering from
or making historical breakthroughs in the art of obsessive-compulsive disorder. He is interested
filmmaking, these people were, and continue to in Helen Hunt, but has absolutely no social skills.
be an inspiration. They made a difference. Are She becomes so angry with him during a dinner
any of us going to make such an impact on the that she threatens to walk out, unless he can say
world? Only time will tell if school children in one nice thing about her—give her one genuine
the future are forced to learn our names. compliment. Do you remember what he said? –
While most of us are not destined for such “You make me want to be a better person.”
greatness, we do influence those around us. Who makes you want to be a better person?
Whether we like it or not, we are role models for It’s easy to feel that way about people we love—we
our children, grandchildren, co-workers, and are willing to do things to make life better for
friends. When I was seven years old, my family our spouse, parents, children, or grandchildren.
spent the summer with relatives in Wyoming. What about complete strangers? Do you hold the
My grandfather was a kind, gentle, unassuming door open for the person behind you? Have you
man who taught me many things about life ever put a quarter in someone’s expired parking
and human nature. If you asked his opinion of meter when the parking patrol was coming?
someone that everyone else hated, the worst Do you let people merge in front of you on the
thing he might say is something like, “Well, he freeway? Have you ever told a person with only
is kind of hard to get along with.” one item to go ahead of you in the check out line?
I try to remember that when I am feeling Yes, these small acts of kindness might cost you
judgmental and critical of someone. I also a few minutes or some loose change, but they
remember an important lesson about having a can make a difference in the other person’s life.
solid foundation. He said, “Never get in such a Of course, you run the risk of letting someone in
hurry that you can’t find a place for your feet.” I line who then tries to use a debit card that doesn’t
learned this lesson by falling off a moving tractor, work, but usually, it’s no big deal. However, if
but I discovered that it could be applied to many you don’t want to give up your time or any spare