Page 34 - January 2021 Voices
P. 34
a key to turn in the lock, these experiences may to be filled.
be lessened or disappear entirely without you-the What is it that you may want to do this
human key. program year? What in your personal “toolbox”
Toastmasters is a volunteer run, volunteer of being a Toastmaster can you offer to the
delivered, and volunteer staffed program— District as a whole? Perhaps it is as simple as
recently hailed and praised as one of the best being a good listener, honing your evaluation
leadership development programs in the world. skills, mastering your Path—all of this requires
You can be part of that beyond what you may a key to do so. You, fellow Toastmaster, could be
be currently doing, a club member and/or club that very “key”!
officer of your local organization. There are Areas and Divisions are hosting the
around one hundred positions needed each year International Speech and Speech Evaluation
for this District to support Clubs in their mission. contests. A myriad of volunteers are needed
including ballot counters, sergeant-at-arms,
judges. You may be the “key” to one of these
Here is what I am asking you to do in the
opening weeks of 2021. Look at yourself closely.
Examine yourself for time, commitment,
dedication, and abilities. Look around your Club,
Area, Division and even the District and see if
there is a “locked vault door” that you can be the
“key” to. Above all, remember that “leadership
is service, not position” and that “it’s never too
late for beginning in your life.”
Spray on the WD-40 if you need to. Take
your time and see if you are a “good” fit. Turn
and wait for the click. The door is now open to
you. . . and you are the key!
2020-2021 District Leadership Nominations Now Open
It is not too early to seek out what you may feel
you are best at, have the skills for, and the heart
to perform for us all. District Leadership offers
training seminars, webinars, opportunitites to
work one-on-one with Clubs as Club Coaches or
Area Directors, and many other roles that need