Page 33 - January 2021 Voices
P. 33

Are You the Key?

 Paul Fanning, DTM

                                         Hall & Allen  both could be there for the great unveiling of the
                                         Bank building.  vault’s long abandoned secrets. That day came-I
                                        The vault was  proudly carried the key into the shop, once again

                                       still there, with  spraying the lock, and pushed the key in, slowly
                                 its massive green and  turning it as it settled into place. With a slight
                             black iron door and a  creak or two, a definite groan of the iron and a
                           magnificent secure lock  final holding of my breath, the key turned within

                         plate, locked solid. Where you  the plate. We all heard the resounding noise of
                       would insert the key, there was  the release, and finally, like gaining access into
                      an unusual four-pronged spot  King Tut’s tomb, the door swung open revealing.
                   for a key often used on Wells Fargo  . . cobwebs, dusty shelves, and dead insects. No

                 treasure boxes.                             gold, no silver, no jewels. What a disappointment.
                  Then it hit me! I had been given one  But the deed was accomplished. Betty now had
      of those huge iron keys by the owner of our  a key to the bank vault—and me the human key
      Trading Post the year before. Could it be the  to it all!

      missing key? Would the lock mechanism still                Fellow Toastmasters. Sadly, no treasure
      work almost 100 years later? I had to find out. I  was found, but I can see a parallel between my
      know the suspense is killing you—but. . .I really  experience as a teenager providing the key to
      had to try my key!                                     accessing a bank vault and me being a human

          I took my four-pronged iron key—about four  key accessing the Toastmasters International
      inches long with a huge ring at the end—and  membership experience. I seriously want you
      after spraying some WD-40 in the lock, inserted  to consider your time, talent, and treasure in
      it very, very slowly. It slid in silently as if it were  Toastmasters. What can you be a key to?

      made for that vault door. I cautiously jiggled the         Within your club, you can be a key by offering
      key, hoping and praying that it would turn the  to be a mentor to other Toastmasters as they
      internal cylinder without snapping off. I stopped  develop and grow into confident, successful
      at this point, and knew I needed to wait for Betty,  speakers and leaders. Each club needs 5-7 club

      the owner, to be present if and when it opened.  officers each year to provide the best membership
      Visions of gold bars, bags of coins and property  experience for club members. Perhaps this is the
      deeds unclaimed danced through my head. It  year that you consider that role of Sergeant-at-
      was the longest three days in my life until we  Arms, or Vice President Membership. But without

                                                                                  VOICES! | JANUARY 2021        33
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