Page 30 - January 2021 Voices
P. 30


       Evolutionary Mentoring (Buddy, Coach, Mentor)

      David Shehorn,LD5

      Mentoring is not a destination but rather it is a          My first adventure with Pathways Mentoring
      journey. We learn from each other as we travel.  was with our Club’s newest Member, Carol. I
      Then we adapt as problems are evidenced or as  had not completed the full Pathways Mentoring

      opportunities are presented. This is Mentoring  Program—no one else in our club had even
      to me. It is the zest that adds flavor to the  started it. As a Pathways Guide during the
      Toastmasters’ adventure.                                Pathways Rollout, I was aware that it is was a
          The evolving Mentoring Program for my  part of the plan. That is all I knew.

      home club encompasses a novel, but gradual                 As I advanced through the Pathways
      approach to Mentoring to accommodate the  Mentoring Program, this opportunity
      goals, experience, and knowledge of the Mentor  and challenge presented itself with Carol’s
      and Protégé.                                            membership. With her concurrence, I worked

         •  TM Buddy—Introduces member to the  with Carol as a buddy, coach, and mentor. Carol’s
            club, meetings, and Pathways education  extensive experience as a small business owner
            program.                                          and in community theater were a gift for our club.
         •  Pathways Buddy—Guides member to select  Our mutually beneficial relationships developed

            Path, then prepares for the Icebreaker.           as Carol assumed a Club Officer leadership role
         •  Pathways Coach—Coaches member  and WOW-ed us with her speech projects. These
            through Icebreaker and one follow-up  were not merely presentations, but memorable,
            project speech.                                   inspiring, and motivating performances.

         •  Pathways Mentor—Mentors member                       In a twist of the mentoring relationship, Carol
            through three projects over a six months  coached me to improve several of my speaking
            period                                            issues in voice projection, breath control, and

        To finish the moment, to find the journey’s end in every step of the road, to live the greatest number of good hours, is wisdom.

                                                                                                                                                                                                          ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

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