Page 16 - January 2021 Voices
P. 16
Lorri Andersen, DTM - Club Growth Director
Happy New Year, Friends! Can you believe it’s recall the movie Rocky Balboa. Sylvester Stallone
January 2021? I remember when the year 2000 said to his son, “it’s not how hard you get hit, it’s
was going to be such an amazing upcoming year. about how hard you get hit and keep moving
No one I knew could fathom what the millennial forward. That’s how winning is done!” We needed
year had in store for us. Even so, no one knew in that courage this last year when we faced all the
January 2020 what was waiting for us in March. concern, worry, and changes upon us. I believe
And now in 2021, with the new year upon us, that Toastmasters helps us improve and aid in
how do you feel about setting goals? Do you feel the betterment of others. We get to effect change,
like the wind has knocked you down or has this help new guests and members, continue in our
year made you stronger? knowledge and growth, build strong teams, and
In July last year, I heard a spectacular speech strengthen relationships. Let’s consider that at
by Dr. John Maxwell on leadership. His main our next meeting.
question was, at the end of the year 2020, what What are your goals for the new year?
can you say you learned, what did you achieve? Has last year made you determined to make
Did you learn something new, are you stronger this year better? Perhaps you haven’t set any
in your character, have you learned to be flexible? goals yet. Consider these ideas: are you on any
Don’t let this opportunity pass you by. Learn all high performing teams in your workplace or
you can from these present times. community? What do you want to learn or
In search of new words to add to my achieve that you haven’t yet? Let Toastmasters
vocabulary, I came across the word meliorism. be a place where you learn and grow. If you’re
Defined in Merriam Websters (1828), meliorism not a goal setting person, then why not consider
is the belief that the world tends to improve and Meliorism? I used to wonder why do random
that humans can aid in its betterment. Drawing acts of kindness have to remain random? Why
upon its Latin and English origins, the word is can’t they be every day or whenever possible?
founded on things getting better. If things did not go as well as you would have
We faced a lot of challenges last year. Are you liked in 2020, use it as a learning experience.
looking forward to this new year optimistically? Go forward making this new year better and
Are you ready to take on a challenge, and complete stronger. Let’s not wait until next December to
the goals on your list? I saw a funny comic on a ask ourselves how we are doing. Let’s use our
virtual background the other day that I related own self-evaluation and reflection and start each
to new year’s goals. “Keep eating and forget the month better than the last.
exercise. . . set realistic goals!” Realistic goals
are good but how about stretching ourselves? I