Page 13 - January 2021 Voices
P. 13

Begin With the End in Mind

      pandemic, and the most bizarre Presidential  have already said they will be hybrid or blended
 PJ Kleffner, DTM - District Director  election I have seen in my lifetime. We may  Clubs (combination of online and in person)

      not have a choice about the events that happen  when the COVID restrictions are lifted and they
      around us, but we do get to decide how we react  can resume meeting in person. I must confess
      to them.                                               that I am liking the 30-second commute to my
         For example, the transition to Pathways was  computer, instead of facing Portland traffic, but

      a major change, and some of our members  I do miss seeing my fellow Club members in
      struggled with that. However, at the Toastmasters  person.
      Leadership Institute this month, we announced              The third distraction that I mentioned – the
      the names of fifty Triple Crown pin winners.  Presidential election, and the events of the last

      These members completed a minimum of three  couple of weeks – are a reminder of just how
      levels in Pathways to earn that award, and some  fragile our democracy really is. As I watched
      of them earned multiple Triple Crown pins. In  the assault on our nation’s capital building on
      fact, these fifty members completed a total of  live television, I had the same sick feeling in my

      201 Pathways levels, which tells me that they are  stomach that I remember while watching the
      clearly not distracted.                                twin towers burn on 9/11. I struggle to understand
         The COVID-19 pandemic continues to be  how we got to this point. You may think this has
      a challenge, and completely changed nearly  nothing to do with Toastmasters, but I think it

      everything we do in Toastmasters. Rather than  has everything to do with Toastmasters. We must
      throw in the towel, we learned how to have  put an end to the divisive rhetoric and learn to
      meetings, speech contests, and training all  communicate with each other. We must listen
      online. There have been bumps along the way,  to each other and find common ground, instead

      but we figure it out. Some Clubs have struggled,  of differences. If we don’t, I hate to think about
      while others are thriving and have members  where we will end up in the future.
      from around the world. If you are looking for              The three examples I cited have had a
      a silver lining, the rich cultural exchanges that  profound effect on our lives – not just as

      result from meeting online is a good place to  Toastmasters, but as human beings. These are
      start. I know some members who made a goal to  not transitory events – all three will have lasting
      visit 90 Clubs in 90 days, which often involved  effects. There is no putting the genie back in the
      getting up in the middle of the night. I’m not  bottle. As we adapt to these changes, remember

      quite that dedicated, but I’ve heard wonderful  that the only thing we can control is how we react
      stories about their experiences and how they  to them. Think about where you want to be next
      were welcomed like old friends when they  month, next year, or five years from now. Then,
      visited these Club meetings. Many of our Clubs  you can figure out what to do to get there. Begin

                                                             with the end in mind.

                                                                                  VOICES! | JANUARY 2021        13
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