Page 9 - December 2020 Voices
P. 9

What it takes to keep a community together is determination, a willingness to make mistakes and a lot of humility

      smoke free, HRT-free and plaque free.                  Pathways, holding elections and welcoming
         The answer to question three: what gave you  guests from every corner of the world. Cedar

                               joy in 2020? – begins, for  Hills Toastmasters has welcomed guests from
                               me, with a good health  Minnesota, California and Washington State.
 In 2020                       report. The greater joy  I know of one Toastmaster who visited a club
                               of 2020 comes from  somewhere in the world every day for a month.
                               staying connected to  We have learned new tricks for timing speeches.
 What made you sad?            the people we care  We are becoming more adept at writing

                               about thanks to the  evaluations for one another.
                               marvels of technology.            District 7 hosted a professional quality
 What did you learn?           Thanksgiving Day was  Toastmaster Leadership Institute on Zoom.

                               a day of celebration.  We look forward to more opportunities like
 What gave you joy?            Eight households in  these. Toastmasters International has proven
                               four states connected  its flexibility and mastery of technology. We got
                               for varying amounts  to “go to” the 2020 Toastmasters International
 What gives you hope           of time throughout the  Convention in spite of this global pandemic.

                               day. We were able to  What fun to “see” friends, “participate” in
                               visit with friends and  educational sessions and “attend” the World
 for 2021?                     family in Minnesota,  Championship of Public Speaking. The business

                               Arizona, Oregon and  meeting was capably handled by Immediate Past
                               Washington State. We  President Deepak Menon, DTM. Speaking and
                               cooked together, played  voting during the annual meeting were a little
      games, baked cookies, watched football, napped  tricky, but thanks to the army of support, the

      and generally had a wonderful day. It was almost  meeting looked effortless.
      as if we really were together. We are looking              The fourth and final question I invite you to
      forward to being together again for Christmas.  ponder is this: What gives you hope for 2021?

      It’s a little like the elementary school children’s        My gut response is that I “hope” 2020 just
      geography lesson that included “Flat Stanley”  goes away quietly, without a struggle. Can it
      (google it).                                           just slip away into the night of December 31st?
         Toastmasters clubs all over the world are  Can we pretend it didn’t happen? Was this all
      making the most of the electronic connectivity.  a nightmare and on Friday morning, January

      Clubs are adding members, progressing through  1, 2021 we wake up, shake it off and get back to

                                                                               VOICES! | DECEMBER 2020           9
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