Page 13 - December 2020 Voices
P. 13

Brand New Year      Brand New Incentive!

 PJ Kleffner, DTM - District Director

       Meetup, so we chose to list our meetings on  your chances of winning. We will draw for

       the D7 Meetup site, AND pay for our own Club  two winners each month, and the prize will be
       Meetup account. As a District, we currently have  $100 each in gift certificates from Toastmasters
       very little understanding of how visitors and  International.
       new members find our Clubs, so we decided to              You may use those gift certificates to buy

       do something about that.                              club supplies, a new banner, lectern, timing
          I am pleased to announce that a new incentive  light, or whatever. You can buy trophies for your
       will begin January 1, 2021 that encourages Clubs  speech contests, or Toastmasters jackets, shirts,
       to ask all visitors and new members how they  hats, mugs, etc. as prizes for members who win

       found out about Toastmasters, AND report that  Club membership building contests or achieve
       information back to the District. Then, we will  educational goals. It’s up to you. The drawings
               know where to focus our advertising  will be held February 1 through June 1, 2021.
                    budget for the greatest effect. The          We are nearing the end of 2020, and I’m

                        rules will be spelled out with  looking forward to a new and better 2021. I
                        other incentives on page 14 in  won’t miss the holiday dinners on Zoom, Covid
                     this issue of Voices! and on the  haircuts, election year politics, and wearing a
                                     District7 website.      mask whenever I leave the house. I am especially

                                        If  your  Club  weary of hearing the daily death tolls. We have a
                                     submits the name  light at the end of the tunnel, but we’re not there
                                     and source of every  yet. Please continue to take care of yourself, and
                                     visitor and new  be safe out there.

                                     member, it will
     Drawing                         be entered into a

                                     monthly raffle. The
                                     more reports you

                                     submit, the greater

                                                                               VOICES! | DECEMBER 2020          13
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