Page 8 - December 2020 Voices
P. 8


         What it takes to keep a community together is determination, a willingness to make mistakes and a lot of humility

          He was a bit reluctant, noncommittal until  Teams, Google Hangout and live video chats.
      I threatened to take one of our granddaughters             I learned how to record, upload, download,

      instead of him. Sensing he was relenting, I made  reload videos and images
      all the reservations at the end of February…           to Zoom, YouTube,
      airfare, hotel, convention…excitement was  Facebook and the church
      building. The first week of March, I landed in the  website. I learned how                               In 2020
      hospital needing emergency surgery to remove  to create a promotional
                                                             about Zoom as almost  What made you sad?
      my gallbladder. It was a simple procedure and I  video. I learned as much
      bounced back quickly, out of necessity.
          By the next weekend, just nine days later, the  anyone, simply by trial

      whole world had mostly shut down, including  and error. I learned that                    What did you learn?
      the Lutheran church where I am the pastor.  what it takes to keep a
      I was scrambling to record Sunday worship  community together
      services/messages on Zoom. It was just me in the  is determination, a                      What gave you joy?
      sanctuary, standing in front of my laptop, in front  willingness to make

      of the altar, walking through the morning service  mistakes and a lot of                  What gives you hope
      and singing a hymn, solo, unaccompanied.  humility.
      Two weeks later, Cedar Hills Toastmasters Club             I also learned that

      751 began meeting on Zoom and I became the  everything fits into a                                     for 2021?
      defacto Zoom Master.                                   grander scheme.
          As the weeks turned into months, it became             About the time
      clear that there would be no trip to Paris. I was  we would have been
      sad. This was going to be the trip of a lifetime  preparing to leave for Paris, I had another

      for Carl and me. But, as we look back on it now,  emergency health issue, this one far more
      we can answer the second question for the year:  serious. At the end of July, I was hospitalized for
      what did you learn in 2020? I learned that I  a week after a series of small strokes. The end

      am not a “techno-turtle” Luddite, contrary to  result was two major surgeries to clear plaque
      what my grandkids would have you believe. In  from my carotid arteries. It seems that 50 years
      Toastmasters and at church we have adapted to  of smoking, 40 years of hormone replacement, a
      the new use of technology. We continue to learn  family history of stroke and high blood pressure
      the subtle power of the Zoom platform. Others  was a near fatal combination. I am so thankful
      have mastered Facebook Live and Microsoft              for 21st century medical procedures. I am now

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