Page 51 - December 2020 Voices
P. 51
TLI – Putting the Pieces Together
Leanna Lindquist, DTM, PDD
2020-21 District 7 Education Coordinator
needs to provide to our members. Graham to people
Smith was my someone new. He has been a I knew and
Toastmaster for a year and a half. He is young, invited them
enthusiastic, and excited for a new experience. to submit a
Charissa Yang of Yammertime was the sharp proposal.
cookie. She attended a Wednesday Wonderful One of them was
Webinar where I struggled to show a video. She Bianca Martin. A goal of TLI is
researched how to solve the problem and sent me to provide people the opportunity
the information. She made a good impression. to present in front of a larger
A Call for Speakers yielded proposals for us audience. I attended the Wallmasters
to review. We received a variety. Some knocked meeting pre-pandemic when Bianca
our socks off, some we sent back to the drawing gave her Ice Breaker. She knocked my socks
board, and others went by the wayside. We were off. That experience stayed with me. I asked
on the lookout for topics that our members Bianca to submit a proposal on how to create a
could sink their teeth into. They needed broad motivational speech. We took a chance on her.
appeal and be of benefit to our members. One of the attendee evaluations was “the speaker
interactive was important to us. We challenged was absolutely amazing!!” I love that we gave her
club officer presenters to be creative and engage the opportunity to shine.
the attendees. Another was Joe Anthony. I read his article on
Let’s revisit the topic “Call for Speakers.” podcasts in the August issue of Voices! Pathways
My expectation was people would come out of elective Level 3 came to mind. I thought this
the woodwork for the opportunity to present would be of value to members who, like me,
at TLI. Not exactly true. I assure you I did not knew nothing about podcasts. It was a popular
resort to bribery, blackmail, or beer. But I had to breakout session with most evaluations returned
schmooze several people to fill the club officer marked “excellent.”
training positions. In other cases, I reached out The border pieces were complete with the