Page 50 - December 2020 Voices
P. 50


                                                                        TLI – Putting the Pieces Together

                                                                                          Leanna Lindquist, DTM, PDD

                                                                                       2020-21 District 7 Education Coordinator

                                      When I start a  Isn’t that what TLI is all about? To energize our
                                     jigsaw puzzle, I  members to pursue their goals with passion and

                                     dump out all the  share that passion in their club. The first piece,
                                 pieces on a table. After  a corner, of the puzzle was in place.
                          that I proceed in one of two           If you want to challenge yourself, don’t look
                 ways, depending on the size of the  at the picture on the puzzle box. Dive in and see

                table. The first way is to put the interior  what develops. That was how TLI unfolded. The
              pieces back in the box, leaving the straight  vision I shared with Program Quality Director
           edges. The second way is to turn over all the  Eldred Brown was to divide TLI into two parts.
         pieces, so they are right side up. Every puzzle  One made up of 30, yes 30, breakout sessions.

       begins with the first piece.                          The second part was keynote speakers and
          When you think about it, putting together a  District business. Why 30 breakout sessions?
       jigsaw puzzle is excellent training for creating an  The District had 10 Zoom accounts. Breakout
       event such as Toastmasters Leadership Institute  session hours totaling 3 x 10 is 30. At the time

       (TLI). Each element or piece of the puzzle must   it sounded brilliant. Why divide TLI into two
       “fit.” You have an idea what the outome will  short days rather than one long day? Because
       eventually look like, but sometimes . . .             our members said the June TLI day was too long.
          For me, the first piece was to create a theme  See, I did read all the evaluations and they made

       for marketing purposes. When I need to come  the difference.
       up with a creative idea I often collaborate with          The next piece to the puzzle was to pick a
       Phyllis Harmon. As I’ve often said, “she’s the other  committee. I wanted someone old, someone new,
       half of my brain.” In the spirit of transparency,  and a sharp cookie. My someone old was Paul

       she came up with the title and the graphic. Amp  Fanning. He joined Toastmasters 11 years ago.
       It UP! means to increase the power, to excite;  He served as a Division Director and earned the
       all goals for Toastmasters Leadership Institute.  Distinguished Toastmaster award. He brought
       It was an instant winner. It portrayed energy.  experience to the table and knows what TLI

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