Page 23 - December 2020 Voices
P. 23

Humor – Is It Really a Difficult Concept?

 Emilie Taylor, DTM - Immediate Past District Director

                            say humor is a difficult                 provide us with PLENTY. Look into your
                            concept for me. My road                  own life for moments that are actually
                            to learning how to deliver               funny if you just think a little bit about it.
                           funny speeches had twists              2.  Do not be afraid to experiment. Granting

                          and turns. I took three classes            no one laughs, you know you have your
                          in Sports Comedy to improve                work cut out for you. Go and experiment,
                         my mental flexibility and learn             don’t be afraid to try anything…you might
                     to go with flow. As if that was not             just surprise yourself. I didn’t know I

                  enough, I signed up for a class on                 could make people laugh like that. When
                      Stand Up Comedy. It wasn’t a walk              you do the over the top punch line and
                        in the park . . . 12 long weeks of           the audience wishes they wore their
                        practicing your craft of three               “Depends,” you are hooked for good.

                       jokes. Yes, three jokes. That’s no         3.  Stretch a little for laughs. No one really
                      joke!  I thought it was going to               knows the truth but you. If they ask, was
                   be easy. But no . . . it takes a lot of           that true? You can answer back with a
                   practice to make people laugh . . . at            question: “What do you think?”

                   your silly jokes.                              4.  And in this Covid-19 era, if you can’t hear
                      The joy is to discover that if we              the laughter because everyone is muted,
                  practice enough, we can be funny.                  know that you are enough. Look for
                  It’s truly a testament to the power                smiling eyes on the screen, movement,

                of Toastmasters. Our clubs are our                   perhaps doubling over from the audience…
           laboratories. We have safe places where we                Continue to practice because when that
        can experiment, knowing that it’s alright if we              signal finally comes that we don’t have to
      fall short. We know that the more we practice                  practice social distancing anymore or wear

      our craft, the better we become.                               masks, hey, the sky is the limit.
         For me, the greatest joy has always been to              5.  Be flexible and go with the flow. This will
      bring happiness and lightheartedness wherever                  come in time… Try it… just for laughs!
      I am. What I discovered in this journey so far              I wish you all a safe, secure, healthy holiday

      are the following nuggets/truisms:                      season–and that’s no joke!
         1.  You have your life experiences as                    Love and hugs to you, fellow Toastmasters!
             materials. Our everyday experiences

                                                                               VOICES! | DECEMBER 2020          23
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