Page 22 - December 2020 Voices
P. 22


                                                  Humor – Is It Really a Difficult Concept?

                                                                            Emilie Taylor, DTM - Immediate Past District Director

       How has Covid-19 changed the way we aspiring  tend to lose the feedback cues in online meetings.
       Toastmaster comedians deliver our punch lines?            Watch the “Late Night” monologues. You
       I got to thinking about this after delivering a  notice the joke or comment, then a brief
       Level 3 speech in the Engaging Humor Path to  pause.  Early on, when the comedians had to

       Sunrise Toastmasters, a club I had never been  be on the Social Distance Platform,
       to before. I hadn’t slept well—perhaps because  there was no audience to provide
       of too much anticipation and excitement.               feedback (laughter).
          I gave the speech.  The afterglow of making            Giving your speech, what do

       members laugh brought a wonderful feeling.  you do to keep yourself going,
       Reading the chat comments, especially  alas, moving forward through to the
       where one person said they had tears from  grand punch line or conclusion?
       laughing, brought so much joy and a feeling of  Self-doubt may try to work its

       accomplishment!                                        way in and try to trip you during
          It was very tough not hearing the immediate  the speech.
       feedback from the audience. (Laughter or Not)             The challenge is to trust your
       One of the most important lessons I have learned  material that you know will bring the

       in Toastmasters is:  When you give a speech to  laughter after practicing with your loved
       a live audience, you can’t step on laughter—or  ones many times. Family and friends
       for that matter, you need to pause for effect. The  had told you the speech was funny.
       audience must process your lines and find the  Just believe them and hope that

       interrelations of a word play or have a chance  they were not just being polite.
       to sit down in the “Theater of the Mind” and  If you have the kind of family
       envision that comedic situation you have just  and friends that lie to you to
       described.  For you the supercomputer that just  make you feel better,

       delivered the line, a few millisecond pause seems  then do not try this
       like minutes.  After all, you created the line, you  at home. Find new
       know the funny part.  The audience has to do a  friends or put yourself
       memory search, turn on the DVD player, get past  up for temporary adoption and get the feedback.

       the previews, and only then put it all together.          My path in learning how to give humorous
       The feedback of laughter is a missing piece.           speeches was (and still is) a long one. I didn’t
          Why?  Because you MUTED EVERYONE! You  think I was funny. My husband would always

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