Page 28 - December 2020 Voices
P. 28
the audience. Would I ever get there? the audience and not at the music. This was not
I am in a different position now. I can expected of course. It did help calm the nerves.
acknowledge I am growing. I challenge myself I was pleased with my performance. I can now
to experiment and try different things. It is a cross that off my bucket list.
safe place. I receive feedback. I can either choose These are two achievements that I attribute to
to incorporate it or ignore it. These skills have my involvement with Toastmasters and finding
led me to a better version of me. I feel more my voice. Toastmasters can be life changing if
comfortable standing in front of a room full you want it to be.
of people or these days people staring at me
on Zoom. I have the tools to be prepared. If I Value
know my subject I can talk more organically, less
scripted, and the audience can relate to me more I believe—
easily. I am more aware of filler words. I avoid Like anything else in life, you get what you
starting conversations with “Well, So, Uh, Ah”. put into it. The education program works—if you
Over the last 2 years, I have applied my do it. It provides benchmarks and checks along
skills to new situations. I attribute my success in the way to help motivate. It is an opportunity for
these situations to my work and commitment to us to make it what we need it to be for our own
working the Toastmasters path. success. If you commit to it, Toastmasters will
I found my voice and spoke up for a raise. help you become a better version of yourself. It
I presented justification to my supervisor who will help you find your voice.
took the data and comments I presented to
him and built a business plan to present to his Lisa Busenbark, DL2, has been a member of
supervisor. The plan contained information of Portlandia Toastmasters club, downtown Portland,
my accomplishments over the past year, the value since 2014. She has held various leadership roles in
and knowledge I bring to the organization, and the club: VP Membership 2015-2016, President 2016-
the financial aspects the increased investment 2017, Immediate Past President 2017-2018, VP of
would have on the business. Secretary 2019-current. In her free time, when she
Awesome news! I received the raise! is not working on her speaking and leadership skills,
The second success came last year. I shared she is volunteering with her church as a Youth Leader.
with the choir director at my church that I She loves to travel, read historical fiction books, and
wanted to sing a solo at Christmas time. I listen to music. This is her first article for Voices! and
picked the piece O Come, O Come, Emmanuel. first published article in any publication.
She offered to be my accompanist. The process
was a confidence builder, from deciding to sing
a solo, to picking my piece, to taking the steps
to prepare, rehearsals, listening to recordings
of others singing it, studying the words and
notes, memorizing the music so I could look at