Page 37 - November 2020 Voices
P. 37
their views in favor of mine, or anyone else’s. I do with, a journal allows me to brainstorm at the
encourage everyone to listen with an open mind keyboard. Sometimes just writing my thoughts
to what others have to say. If you disagree, do so about something lead to greater research and
in an agreeable manner. Wait a minute, I hear exploration. Perhaps I strengthen my original
you thinking; isn’t this column about writing? thought or change it. If you journal, it gives you a
Yes, it is. So if you’re feeling particularly angry, great leg up when you become famous, and wish
tense, or passionate over one side or another of to publish your memoir. Or when a biographer
the election, or an issue, write about it. Write in wants to know more about your past when they
a journal, vent at your keyboard, write to your are writing your biography for posterity.
Congresswoman; or even write an article or And finally, a question I didn’t ask up front.
non-fiction piece explaining your point of view. What happened to the contest? There were never
Just Write. (see what I did there?) many submissions; sometimes zero. Last month I
Here’s a tougher question; is writing mentioned that I would drop the pseudo contest
relevant to all Toastmasters, not just those who if there weren’t submissions, and there weren’t.
seek publication? In my humble opionion (or So if you want the contests to return, you need
imho, as it used to be called) the answer is yes. I to bribe, beg, ask and submit.
mentioned journaling. Psychologists and other
mental health professionals have suggested
keeping a journal for decades; maybe more.
Even if you don’t plan to seek publication, a
journal allows you to marshal your thoughts,
rant, rave, vent, capture memories—all without
making anyone feel attacked, uncomfortable
or the subject of whatever you are feeling and
writing down. For me, and others I have spoken