Page 36 - November 2020 Voices
P. 36


       One Coin, Two Sides

       Ken Coomes, DTM

       Are writing and speaking really different, or are      audience. They also tell a good story. Hmm—my

       they two sides of the same coin? And isn’t this a      best speeches, and the best speeches I’ve heard,
       time when we need to consider commonalities            also tell a good story. I belief that writing and
       rather than differences? Is writing relevant to        speaking have much more in common than their
       you, a Toastmaster/speaker who isn’t interested        differences. Sort of like all people—we have a lot

       in writing,  just in talking? I’m so glad you asked.   more in common than we differ. Hmm—am I
       Let me give you my answers, as you consider            telegraphing another “punch,” the idea of a future
       your own.                                              article, speech, novel or story?
                                                                  Which leads to another cat let out of another

       Are talking and writing different?                     bag. Over 74 million people voted for our
          Technically, they are different activities. But     President-Elect, Joe Biden. Over 70 million
       at the core of it, both are about communication;       people voted for our incumbent, President
       something near and dear to every Toastmaster’s         Donald Trump. Are we divided as a nation—or

       heart (OOPS! I’m telegraphing my “punch,”              are we not? I submit that an extremely high
       alluding to the answer to another question. Oh,        percentage of voters, perhaps as high as 100%,
       well—you didn’t kill the cat, so the cat’s out of      voted for the candidate they thought would best
       the bag.) Both activities communicate, albeit          lead the country over the next four years. I’m

       in different ways. However, all communication          pretty sure nobody intentionally decided to vote
       shares the intent to convey a message to an            for the “worst” candidate. So when you listen to,
       audience. The most effective speeches I’ve             talk to, or interact with someone who voted “the
       heard, or delivered, considered the interests          other way,” remember they are a patriot, too.

       and backgrounds of my audience, as well as             They voted. They are not your enemy, unless
       their demographic, or composition. The most            one or both of you decide to believe so. So yes,
       effective pieces I’ve written (published or not)       I believe it’s a time to focus on common ground,
       consider the intended, or possibly desired,            not divisiveness. I do not urge anyone to toss

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