Page 20 - July 2020
P. 20
you happier. I am positive this is true! The same whiners and complainers. If they can freely share
can be said about being optimistic—about the whining and complaining, the denominations of
possible growth that can come because you kindness are a hundred fold of the chump change
allow yourself to look at situations with rose- we get or give from whining and complaining.
colored glasses. Always believe that your team You know what I mean. But even whiners and
members are there with the best intentions in complainers allow you to practice grace. There
every interaction To believe otherwise only is a song about that!
creates unnecessary baggage. It is also good for Let me tell you a quick story. I was in a club
the immune system! See the outcome as you wish meeting two months ago. The evaluator was very
it to be. Get out of your own way, and you will be harsh in her evaluation. She said that since the
surprised at the results you had not planned for! speaker had been in Toastmasters for 10 years,
she would evaluate him differently than if he
R – Recognition. How often are you recognized had only been a member for 6 months. Even
for your contributions? Hardly ever? Never? Be before I heard the evaluation, I knew in my heart
that Toastmaster who says “Well done,” “That that it was going to be far from being kind and
was excellent,” “Thank you,” “I appreciate what uplifting. What if the speaker just lost a relative
you did.” Recognizing someone, however tiny or spouse and was giving a speech despite the
their contribution may be from your perspective, heavy laden heart. There is a helluvalot of what
allows the other person validation and is wrong out there. (Watch the news and get out
acknowledgement in a society that oftentimes your Tums.) What about what is right? Sure there
ignores us all. Remember recognition and are things that can be honed and sharpened
love are free gifts we can give. They enrich the while evaluating. Remember that we are little
receiver and giver and the witnesses of such children inside and have tender hearts. Evaluate
kindness. Which leads to . . . the four- year-old child with love and sparkle
in your eye. You will do wonders for you, them,
K – Kindness. It’s not hard to be kind. Find and the team or club.
something good about someone no matter how Holey Moley, it is nearly a month since I
tough it is. Use that imagination of yours! I have passed the gavel to the new District Director, and
to work on this concept particularly closely with my spirit of hope, uplift and joy for Toastmasters
remains undiminished. Love to you all.