Page 18 - July 2020
P. 18
Emilly Taylor, DTM - Immediate Past District Director
I was thinking that life as an Immediate Past be offering in my continued volunteer effort to
District Director (IPPD) is quite enjoyable lift humanity to see themselves in greater ways!
and refreshing! Seriously, it is like that cup of This month’s column will focus on
refreshing water in the desert of pre-demics, TEAMWORK. For our District to achieve
pandemics, endemics, protest-demics, “Distinguished” recognition, teamwork at the
unemployment-demics, econo-demics, Zoom- club, area, division and district levels must
demics and all of the other -demics that have be cultivated. Our combined vision needs to
been confronting us this past year! It looks like prevail. “You is it folks!” You make a difference!
it will continue for a while. My new (unjob) is Teamwork also allows for personal and leadership
definitely quite a drastic change from being the growth in a safe place where you can experiment
person responsible for the entire District. Now with different approaches.
(per the District Leader Handbook) I provide I remember at the District Directors training
counsel and guidance as needed by the District session in Denver last August, a Region Advisor
Director. I serve as a member of the District trainer pumped us up by saying and asking us
Executive Committee and District Council. I to repeat the following statement: “Toastmasters
get to encourage and mentor members to accept is a team sport.” I believe it, and even add that
leadership positions, and help the District achieve “Leadership is a team sport.” Do we have a
“Distinguished” recognition! Servant Leadership culture of teamwork? What is TEAMWORK in
is alive and continues to fuel my Toastmasters the context of Toastmasters? Here’s my acronym:
journey . . . only in a little less stressful way these
days. T – Totality. The only way for a team to succeed
Having served as a member of the Trio for the is total commitment to the goals laid out and
last three years, I think I can offer introspection commitment to your own personal growth.
and informed opinion. So like it or not, this I will What you put in is what you get out. When