Page 25 - July 2020
P. 25
Feedback vs Evaluation
Phyllis Harmon, DTM
“Give me feedback and keep your evaluation to Club program, I guess I’d be giving an evaluation.
yourself!” The Distinguished Club Program statistically
A club member recently told me (in measures a club’s ability to meet Toastmasters
unToastmasters-like language) that they weren’t yearly goals. Speech Evaluation contests measure
interested in receiving an evaluation. Not just the contestants and place a value on the skills
my evaluation—anyone’s evaluation. However, they display during their stage time by rewarding
feedback was gratefully appreciated. trophies to the top performers (judgment and
Whaaaaat? Aren’t they the same? Just another valuation).
word for the same process? Feedback, on the other hand, is what happens
Nope! during a club meeting. We provide feedback
According to the Preceptor eLearning Course to help our peers become better speakers. The
taught by Dalhousie Unversity, Halifax, Canada: Moments of Truth assessment encourages
. . . evaluation is the process of judging or members to provide feedback on elements of
putting a value on a procedure, the degree club life as part of a club improvement process.
to which knowledge has been gained, or Hmmmm, I see what my club member was
a skill. trying to tell me. Now I need to think some more
Feedback is a method of providing on what type of feedback I’m giving. Does my
information about a student’s learning evaluation (errrr, feedback) help the speaker to
or skill acquisition in order to plan future define goals or improve behavior? I’m not sure.
learning goals and to ameliorate behaviour Over the next year, this space will be devoted
and skills. to exploring feedback and tips and techniques.
Well. . . okay already! Surely that is just one for helping speakers improve their craft.
University’s opinion. Uhhh—not so. Several other Feedbackers Toastmasters is focused on doing
web sources either copied Dalhousie’s definition just that. Each month they meet to provide
or they are all in agreement. (I suspect the latter.) speakers with four in-depth assessments based
Where does that leave us as Toastmasters? Do on the speaker’s goals. It seems to be an effective
we evaluate or give feedback? I guess it depends method for improving speechcraft and the art
on what you are assessing (aha! another concept of feedback. After all, they continue to be judged
worth exploring). If I’m providing my thoughts and valued as District Champions at every
on a club’s performance, based on the Successful conference.
VOICES! | JULY 2020 25