Page 27 - May 2020
P. 27

smoke clouds darkened the skies to almost  manifested, I went to my medical provider. The
      blackout conditions by 6 pm. We managed to get  PA told me I had a touch of the flu and not to

      everyone out, moving to a safer and new location.  worry.
      There were just two vehicles left—a pumper with            Within three days I took to my bed. The most
      crew from Anchorage City Fire and my vehicle  colorful symptom began—I was turning yellow!
      with a driver and me.                                  By day six my neighbor rushed me to the clinic in

          The captain is the last to leave the sinking  a wheelchair. I could barely move or stay awake.
      ship, right? This is when I faced once again that  They recommended that I go to the hospital in
      moment of “what am I doing” and with an actual  Hermiston at once. I remember telling myself
      physical and painful demise. With flames all  over and over again that I would not die!

      around us, the pumper took off first, punching             I awoke in Richland, Washington when a face
      a small tunnel through the smoke and flames  appeared, very scary looking with long scraggy
      with spraying water.                                   grey hair saying, “I want your blood!”
          My poor driver panicked, afraid we would not           I was told later that there were no beds

      get out before the fire consumed the surrounding  available in Herminston. I did not remember the
                              trees and brush as well as  ambulance ride over the border to the Tri-cities
                              ourselves. He kept right  at all. For me, it was “Goodbye gall bladder, hello
                              on the pumper’s tail pipe  Chiquita banana.” The surgeon later told me that

                              as we watched the flames  they lost me once during the radical operation as
                              crown in the trees over  my gall bladder crumbled away. Ten days later
                              us. By some miracle, we  I left the hospital and underwent three months
                              managed to get out with  of rehab and therapy. (That didn’t stop me

                              just a singed paint job on  from giving my #10 speech for my Competent
                              the back of the van.           Communicator Award from a wheelchair!)
                                 My third and final               Once again, a brush with death, life flashing
                              moment was in the  before my eyes, and the feeling of it not yet being

                              Eastern Desert of Oregon.  my time.
                              I was instructing ESL,             Yes, I am following the current pandemic
                              ABE, and GED programs  recommendations—social distancing, masking,
                              with Blue Mountain  gloving up, and staying home 99.9% of the

                              Community College in  time. But I am not letting it control me nor am
                              Pendleton, Oregon. We  I becoming fearful of impending fatal doom.
                              were on Winter Term  If anything, Covid-19 has given me plenty of
                              break in December when  stories and potential speech topics for the future.

                              I started feeling sluggish,  Personally, I am planning to stick around a little
                              achy, and generally not  while longer and see how it all plays out.
                              running on all cylinders.          Dies Irae? Nope. Carpe Diem!
                              When another symptom

                                                                                      VOICES! | MAY 2020        27
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