Page 24 - May 2020
P. 24


      Don’t Need No Stinkin’ FEAR

      Paul Fanning, DTM

         I am reminded every time I turn on my  and the unsaved cast into eternal flames. (I suspect
      computer to surf the internet or watch TV that we  that continually facing plagues, pestilence, and

      are in the middle of a worldwide pandemic that  warfare would color one’s perspective.)
      no one has faced before in our lifetime. There are         I am sure you have heard that deep, sonorous,
      those who cry out “It’s the end of the world,” and  and disturbing rhythm of the Dies before on a
      want us to live in fear and panic. Others decry  multitude of horror and apocalyptic movies.

      this as a false, man-made disease to allow “them”  Even today, every time I hear the chant, I begin
      to better take control over the world.                 to remember at least three times in my life when
         It appears to me that many people seem to  visions of my end of life flashed before my eyes.
      heed the instructions and methods of well being            You have heard the adage “fight or flight”

      declared by the various health organizations and  at least once before now. Usually that means
      governments. Thank goodness!                           you can control your circumstances or act to
         Yet, that “little voice in my head” continues  alleviate the danger. All is well and good if you
      to play repeatedly the ominous strains of the  can determine your course of action. Not all of

      12th century, Gregorian chant Dies Irae (Day of  us get that opportunity!
      Wrath). The chant describes the Last Judgment,             I spent two years teaching and other duties as
      with trumpets summoning souls before the  assigned at a small private college in Southern
      throne of God, where the saved will be delivered  California. I held a private post-secondary

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