Page 22 - May 2020
P. 22



      The Choice of Champions

      Leanna Lindquist, DTM

      Fifty attendees from across District 7 and the  Nikhil Badwaik - International Speech Contest
      world attended Feedbackers Virtual Open  were both members of the club. They are but two

      House on Wednesday, May 13, 2020 . “Awesome  of the many contest winners who have benefitted                                    Toastmasters Leadership Institute
      Information,” “Your club is so inspiring,” and “I  from being a Feedbacker.
      really learned a lot” were some of the comments            An advantage of being a Feedbacker is
      made by the guests.                                    taking what you learn back to your home club
          We offered three short education sessions on  and practicing every week. You can utilize                                                                June 27, 2020

      evaluating. Phyllis Harmon presented How to  your evaluation skills at work. You can even
      Identify What Was More Effective. Joe Harper  use them at home. Our members have a                                                                     7:00 am - 3:30 pm
      presented How to Identify What Was Less  wealth of Toastmasters experience. Seven are

      Effective. Michael Lindquist presented How  Distinguished Toastmasters. Two are Past District
      to Organize Your Evaluation for the Greatest  Directors. Two others are current Trio members                                                                ONLINE EVENT!
      Impact. Guests Kumar Rethnasamy and James  and a third is the District Administrative
      Wantz each delivered a speech and received  Manager. Members have over 120 years of                                                              MARK YOUR CALENDAR
      multiple evaluations.                                  combined Toastmasters experience. We offer

          Every club is unique. Feedbackers is a  the experience, knowledge, and support that
      specialty or niche club. We don’t do Table Topics  few clubs can.
      and we don’t have a Grammarian. We specialize              Feedbackers meets the second Wednesday of

      in evaluations. The format for a meeting is one  every month from 7:30 – 9:00 pm. We meet at
      speaker with four focused evaluations. A General  St. Vincent Hospital in Portland. Since Covid-19,
      Evaluator provides feedback to each evaluator.  we have been meeting successfully on Zoom.
      We do this three times during the 90-minute  We see a blended club in our future. Guests are
      meeting. This is why our meetings are often  always welcome. Once you do we’re sure you will
      referred to as workshops.                              want to join. Here is the link to our June 10th

          Why do people seek out Feedbackers? They  meeting.
      want to take their Toastmasters skills to the next         Questions? Contact Leanna Lindquist  leanna.

      level. They want more than the average club
      can deliver. We have a history of helping our              Leanna Lindquist joined Toastmasters in 2009. She
                                                             is a member of three clubs, a club officer in each club, a
      members and other Toastmasters win speech and
                                                             club coach, 2019-20 New Club Mentor Coordinator, past
      evaluation contests. The most recent winners,          District Director, and a Voices! contributor. Next year she
      James Wantz - District 7 Evaluation Contest and  will serve the District as Education Coordinator.

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