Page 38 - April 2020
P. 38
Grow Your Members with Empathic Evaluations
Dave Bones, ACS, CL
A member has just given a speech to their “seen” for their goals and personal
home club. They offered their trust in the context. For example, if you noticed
audience through sharing a vulnerable and that the speaker had done a lot of
personal topic. Now, it is up to the evaluator to preparation or if you were moved by
provide feedback to enhance and support the something they said, let them know!
speaker in their growth. This establishes authentic rappor.
Does this sound familiar? I believe this
scenario is what can make or break the longevity • Direction—How can we both support
of a club. Why do many of us come back, year and offer ways to improve? Without this
after year (even for decades) to regular meetings? component, there is no growth. Two
I genuinely believe that evaluation is the heart problems often occur:
and soul of the Toastmasters brand. • The “whitewash” evaluation - an
What is it about evaluation that is so evaluator only offers the positive
important in a Toastmasters club? It provides the attributes of the speaker with no
means for growth which is our common bond as suggestions for improvement.
members. When club members grow together, They may say something like, “I
they stay together! I truly believe this applies to really could not find any points to
ongoing members, as well as prospective guests. improve upon, but . . .”
The empathic evaluation (showing an ability to • The negative evaluation - this is
understand and share the feelings of another) lends where the evaluator primarily
itself very strongly to growth. There are three tells the speaker what they didn’t
characteristics that significantly enhance this: like about the presentation. For
example, the evaluator might
• Visibility—A speaker receiving an comment that the speaker was too
tevaluation wants to know they were quiet, or their eye contact wasn’t