Page 36 - April 2020
P. 36
• significance that Toastmasters has had
on his own career and professional
development as an electrical engineer.
• Evaluators—The TM evaluators were
exceptional in demonstrating the
approach to and importance of the
evaluation process.
• Functionary Role Performance—All
Toastmasters on the demo team took
their time to fully explain the purpose
of and approach to their respective
functionary meeting roles. The
emphasis was on the ‘team’ approach
to meeting execution.
Demonstration meeting considerations • Agenda and Time Management: Since
and priorities corporations’ place great significance
• Table Topics—The Toastmaster on professionalism including agendas
demonstrated the process and then and time management, the demo
an effort was made to include every team did not fail to emphasize these
meeting attendee in the activity. They considerations not merely in words,
thoroughly enjoyed the experience. but by their actions in executing the
• Speakers—The speakers selected for demo meeting.
this meeting provided an excellent A significant amount of effort went into laying
juxtaposition between a new the foundation to prepare for the demonstration
Toastmaster and a 30+ year DTM. The meeting. As such, the demo meeting rose to meet
first speaker had been with another the expectations that had been established by
TM club for less than four months. She the sponsor/mentor team, the club champion,
did an incredible job, on short notice, and his interim-officer staff. If the meeting
to prepare and deliver an excellent had fallen short of these expectations, member
5-7-minute speech. Daniel, the second recruitment could be affected. That was not
speaker is a DTM and an Electrical the case at BurnsMasters. The champion had
Engineer. He did a great job addressing 20 members committed to join within a short
the importance of communication skills period of time.
directly relevant to the engineering
profession which is the primary focus Lead Sponsor delegation of project task
of the Burns & McDonnell organization. fulfilment
Daniel’s presentation stressed the After the demo meeting, many items on the