Page 36 - February 2020
P. 36
best-practices, meeting needs, communications, include all members of the project team as well as all
etc. necessary to smoothly and comprehensively interested entities that are internal or external to the
build a club to reach charter status and do so organization.”
in a timely manner. Leave no stone unturned
in building this managerial tool.Note that such In order to communicate effectively and
a project plan will not be static; it will require ensure the organization fully supports your
modification along the way to adjust priorities or activities, a sponsor must conduct a stakeholder
incorporate newly identified data/processes that analysis primarily focused on the “decision
may enhance the project execution and outcome. makers” within that organization who will have
The graphic below provides a segment of the a direct influence on the success or failure of
task listing used to manage the BurnsMasters the project (i.e., club establishment). Examples
project. Your list of tasks and deliverables most might include the CEO, GM, CFO, COO, HR
likely will be different, but the suggestion of using Director. In the case of BurnsMasters, the local
this format to get every project detail identified Department Manager, Mr. Rick Nye, was the
is helpful. You can access the document here. key local decision maker that offered his full
endorsement, support, including financial
assistance, to club establishment. He even set
the example and joined the club as a member.
His total buy-in was incredibly important and
essential to club success. TMI does a nice job of
emphasizing the importance of sponsors doing
their due diligence in identifying the decision
maker which is covered in their publication
(218H) How to Sponsor New Clubs.
In addition, beyond the local branch of
the company, understanding the corporate
headquarters’ philosophy and their approach to
business is essential to ensure the lead sponsor
and his/her team aligns precisely with the values
and culture of the organization within which
Conduct a stakeholder analysis of the they are striving to introduce the Toastmasters
organization within which this club will brand. A simple web search of the Burns &
be established. “A stakeholder is an individual, McDonnell organization yielded considerable
group, or organization who may affect, be affected information about the company - a key statement
by, or perceived itself to be affected by a decision, of which is noted below:
activity, or outcome of a project. Stakeholders