Page 33 - February 2020
P. 33

Meet Elizabeth

 Robert Hall, EH5                                O

      Jaanya Chadha

         There I was, wearing my brand new dress  joined Little Toasties. As any
      and my blue, denim jeans jacket. My hands were  Toastmasters-like organization
      starting to get a bit sweaty and my heart was  runs, the members always have
      starting to beat a bit faster. I was watching my  to speak. Whether it’s giving a

      friend give a speech at our 8th-grade graduation,  prepared speech or speaking on
      and I was next.                                        the spot. This club has allowed me
         As my friend concluded her speech and the  to learn how to give an impactful
      parents started applauding, I walked up to the  speech and how to connect with

      podium. As soon as I reached it, I looked across  others.
      the audience, and my face started to heat up. The          The coach and our members
      whole speech I had planned and had spent an  always evaluate our speeches
      eternity memorizing had left me—my mind had  afterwards, which has helped

      gone completely blank. The whole gymnasium  me learn the important aspects
      was quiet, waiting for me to speak. Realizing it  of speaking in a comfortable
      was getting awkward, as I had been quiet for a  and friendly environment. It has
      minute, I finally forced myself to say “I’d like to  brought out my confidence, and I’ve learned how

      thank my family and my teachers.”                      to properly portray it, such as giving handshakes
         Then I sprinted from that terrifying, black  and making eye contact. Almost every Saturday,
      microphone, back to my seat and back to my  our members commit one hour to speaking,
      comfort zone. That was the moment when I  and our ability to speak publicly has improved

      realized I had a fear of public speaking. Not  tremendously.
      only was I afraid of heights and bad grades, but           There’s a huge difference between everyday
      I was also afraid of speaking. I was confused by  speaking and public speaking. With public
      this fear, as I speak every single day and didn’t  speaking, we learn how to use our voice to

      think of myself as an introvert. And since I knew  impact others, even if it’s in a small way. Little
      conquering my fear of heights would take time,  Toasties has taught me how to be comfortable
      I decided to tackle this fear instead.                 in my own voice. Now, public speaking, whether
         The timing was perfect, as I had just learned  it’s something small such as at a graduation

      about this club called Little Toasties. It was a  ceremony or something empowering, where I
      Toastmasters-lik organization, but it was targeted  can help impact others or create a change, is in
      for middle schoolers and high schoolers like me.  my comfort zone.
      In September 2019, as I entered 9th grade, I also

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