Page 13 - November 2019
P. 13

THE District BEAT                                                                      FROM THE DESK

      Why I Like Toastmasters

 as often as you can in your club and at least as   uplifting and inspiring. We are so blessed with

 many times in front of your mirror at home.    such opportunities to learn and grow in a safe   PJ Kleffner, DTM
 When you attend TLI, you meet goals for the   place. Many have embraced Pathways. They can
 club. When you bring in new members, you   mentor you, take you by the hand, and let you   Program Quality Director
 help them and you meet goals for the club.   know that stumbling now and then is how we

 When you get together and work on common   all grow and become better. What a wonderful
 goals for the club, your club eventually becomes   place we have and we learn by helping others   I spent November 16th with over 200 of my
 Distinguished. It is a byproduct of working   the giver receives the gift. By being the heart of   favorite people—Toastmasters. The occasion was
 together. It becomes easier and more fun to be   Toastmasters that all of you are, by goal setting   the District 7 Winter Toastmasters Leadership

 Distinguished as opposed to joining the yawn   and goal celebrating, we will be Distinguished   Institute at Inza R. Wood Middle School in
 fest and having your club become extinguished.   despite our selves.   Wilsonville. This training completed the
 It really comes down to a mind-set. After all, we   I am so very proud of all of you embarking   second half of the requirements for Goal #9
 have so many breaths and heartbeats…. How are   on your first step, first speech, or running the   in the Distinguished Club Program. Each club

 we using them?    TLI, or helping out or just showing up. Every   must have at least four officers attend training  promotion, education coordination and overall
 I am not cracking a whip to tell you to do my   one of you are important and every place and   twice per year to meet the goal. My immediate  volunteer coordination. I also noticed a lot of
 bidding and become Distinguished or anything   stage you are on your pathway and help make   task now is to update records at Toastmasters  people who just saw something that needed to be
 else. I am in this position as a result of being in   Toastmasters what it is.   International so all of your clubs get credit for  done and did it. That is the attitude that makes

 my own stagnation, yawn fest so to speak and   I am here for you all and thank you for being   you being trained.  Toastmasters such wonderful people.
 finding the gift that Toastmasters provided   here for me!  It was great to see old friends, including   If your club officers were unable to attend,
 as something beyond myself, life changing,   Back to you fellow Toastmasters!  some I have known for my eighteen years in  check with your Area and Division Directors to
      Toastmasters, and the new friends I have met  find out when they will be holding local sessions.

      along the way. I had to smile when our keynote             Our next District 7 training opportunity will
      speaker, Adele O’Neal, mentioned a skit she did  be Saturday, December 14, 2019 back at Inza R.
      as a Trio member with Gary Schmidt and Beryl  Wood Middle School, when our Region Advisor,
      Anderson, because I was there! It was probably  Cindy Laatsch, will conduct a workshop on

      the first District meeting I ever attended, and I  “Leading Through Change”. This event is open
      thought “These people know how to have fun.”  to all members. Check the D7 Events Calendar
      I must confess I don’t remember anything else  or click here for details. More information is
      from that meeting, which is a good lesson when  forthcoming, including a link to pre-register.

      writing our speeches—humor sticks with us.             Please do pre-register when that link becomes
         Putting on an event like TLI takes a  available, so we’ll know how many are planning
      tremendous amount of effort. A huge “Thank  to attend.
      You” to the many volunteers who helped,                    To all my friends, and friends I have yet to

      especially those who were coordinators for the  meet, I hope you have a great Thanksgiving
      various activities and the people on their teams.  holiday weekend. Safe travels if you’re going
      You are the ones who made it all happen—               anywhere, and I’ll see you in December.
      registration, food, sound, breakout rooms,

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