Page 10 - November 2019
P. 10
THE District BEAT
Emilie Taylor, DTM - District Director
Last weekend’s Toastmasters Leadership Institute “Distinguished District 2019-2020.”
(TLI) was inspiring, uplifting, and contagious Yes, it can be scary to commit one’s self to
with positive energy! I thank you all for being one’s self. Letting others know that is just what Toastmasters? Now that you are on the podium point forward to a destination. How do we get
there and being leaders! you have done puts an end to procrastination. It and the spotlight is on you, what do you have to out of this?
I asked the TLI participants to make a is like showing up to watch an inspiring speech say? You are important and you were blessed with Outside of our clubs, there is enough apathy to
commitment—a personal commitment—by and finding out you are the one slated to give a voice. Your commitment to yourself is a bold make us feel rich in stagnation. In Toastmasters,
publicly signing a District 7 banner that says that speech. Isn’t that what it is all about in step and I am so very proud of you all! You are we have a safe place to learn leadership, step out
all leaders and have big hearts for showing up. and up and be a catalyst beyond our clubs. Goals,
YOU are the heart of Toastmasters and the set a direction to share our energies and make
heart grows stronger and stronger with each things really happen!
effort to improve one’s self. But there is so much Without goals, there’s no common goals and
more to it. By committing to improving yourself nothing to celebrate about.
bit by bit, you and your club grow with you. We To meet a goal, we first have to have one.
could say it one way, yawn and the whole club We need to lay out that goal whatever it may
yawns with you. Do something less yawnful be. That is true for you, for your club, for the
(such as stepping out of your comfort zone )and area, Division and District. Our chosen paths
you inspire others to do the same. This is what help us plant the rudder of the ship and give us
I call more positive contagion. Now, let’s take it something to steer toward. In the process, these
another step. Goal. . . activities not only help ourselves, but help the
Without goals, we are like a rudderless ship. club. By your improvement, you can help others
We drift around having no destination and we improve and that really can make the difference
appear to go nowhere fast. It dulls us and in in your club and its membership.
reality drains us. Our club and the yawnfest I believe that your personal goals align with
become the comfort zone. It takes a great deal club goals. Meaning, that if you want to become
of effort, far more to paddle in circles than to a great speaker, you need to practice speaking