Page 18 - November 2019
P. 18


       “The Greatest Story Never Told”

       Paul Fanning, DTM

          No, you won’t find it in your local bookstore,  accomplished in my personal and professional

       and most assuredly it won’t be playing at a theater  development. One of my strongest skills, or at
       near you. No use consulting Google, Amazon or  least in my mind, is that of being a storyteller. I
       any of the other on-line services, and you can’t  grew up in a family that cherished the printed
       download it onto your device as an “e” book.  word, loved books and read a variety of genre that

       Why? It’s simply because it’s the greatest story  allowed my mind to grow and often wander into
       never told! I see you in the front row thinking  fantasy or magical worlds. I vividly remember in
       “he’s off his rocker again” or words to that effect.  seventh grade being sent for testing at the school
       Yet it’s the words I’m talking about.                 District headquarters because I wouldn’t read                   haven’t left this to the last

          We are communicators. We use words- the Uncle Wiggly books required for the class                                  minute or it’s five minutes before your
       written, spoken and visually by our gestures  (go ahead-use Wikipedia to find out what that                           club meeting. What is your theme? Something  the tail. You are on your way to becoming a
       and actions during a speech. But I am amazed  means) when I was tackling James Michener’s                             relative to the level and path you’re working  dynamic storyteller or modern troubadour in
       how many fellow Toastmasters get so frustrated,  “The Source”. My grandfather, a compositor                           on? What’s it going to be? Is there a specific  your club! Way down in the deep recesses of

       discouraged and disgusted with themselves and  for a newspaper and amateur chronicler of                              topic or story you want to relate to your fellow  your mental computer you remember that there
       even quit the Toastmasters education program  history and my mother an author and rural                               Toastmasters? And then panic sets in! Your  are only three parts of any given speech—a
       because they don’t know what they want to say  newspaper columnist, provided living examples                          mind goes blank-your eyes glaze over-you can’t  beginning, a middle and an end. Simple, right?
       in their speeches. They get so caught up in the  of wordsmiths. They encouraged me, mentored                          even think of your own name! Help! And now  Now what are you going to say?

       rules and formulas for crafting the “perfect  me and gave me the freedom to express myself                            grasshopper. . . relax, don’t fret about it, simply        A former Toastmaster this week gave me a
       speech” that they can’t get as far as putting pen  freely. It was from them I emerged with the skill                  begin to use your expansive mind to come up  simple formula to speech craft that he learned
       to paper. Why, you ask? Horror of horrors, they  of a storyteller, fortified by success at numerous                   with something. Even the youngest millennial  in the 1950’s. It was called PREP. The first P
       have taxed their brains and they can’t come up  campfire skits and impromptu plays at church,                         has had personal experiences worth relating to  stood for your point or statement you want to

       with a speech topic! How can that be? Let me  Boy Scouts and school. Vivid descriptions, vibrant                      others. Perhaps even to remember a family story  make. The R was for reason(s) for this point.
       illuminate further this world-wide dilemma. It’s  word pictures and vociferous material bolstered                     or even something that happened to them that  E represented your example(s) of the point.
       almost a bigger fear than speaking itself.            me to forge on. Thus, with this background,                     day. As for me, being a historian, I can always  The final P was again for the point and your
          I have learned to wear many hats since  finding something to speak on has not been as                              find something to tell a story about in over  restatement of that point. It was just another

       becoming a Toastmaster. Club member (switch),  much of a challenge as it was a true delight.                          8,000 years of recorded history. As I use public  way of looking at speaking or storytelling. The
       club officer (switch), mentor (doff yet another),         You’re sitting at your (insert your favorite                transportation every day can be an adventure  word also reminds you of one of the keys to a
       coach and educator. Each hat has required me  writing place here) and you now have a                                  and a story or two.                                    great story—PREP. Try it out for yourself when
       to develop a skill set or master a craft that I have  5-7-minute speech to prepare. Hopefully you                         Clearly, you will now be taking the tiger by  you can.

       18     ONE COMMUNITY                                                                                                                                                                            VOICES! |NOVEMBER 2019        19
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