Page 9 - October 2019
P. 9
foot on is Antarctica, and
he aims to get there one way
or another to check that off
his bucket list. He plans to
take a conversational French
course to prepare for next
summer’s Toastmasters
International Convention
in Paris, which the District
Trio will attend as part of
their duties.
Beyond learning some 2017 Dick Moser Award recipient for service to the members of Disrict 7
French, another growth
area for him, he says, will
be letting go of control. “I’ve learned to let go of He believes that members are the heart of
a lot. In this role I cannot do everything – it’s Toastmasters. He recalls the words of one leader
impossible for one person. You need a team.” who noted that people don’t join Toastmasters,
He is assembling his team ASAP to help with they join a particular Toastmasters club. And
his many duties. they don’t join a club to make it distinguished,
Although he earned his DTM in the legacy they join so they can grow. “Always remember
system using paper manuals, he calls the WIIFM – what’s in it for me,” so put members’
online Pathways education program “a big needs first, PJ advises club officers.
improvement” with many more resources and Assessing the state of District 7, he sees
projects available to members. He served as strength overall because “we have fantastic people
a Pathways guide when Pathways rolled out, in leadership roles.” Continually developing new
and he’s currently working on Level 4 of the leaders is crucial because, “You have to have
Visionary Communication path. people moving up the ladder.” Having consistent
PJ’s current plans for TLI call for him to leadership year to year also matters, and in that
present a session on “The Club Experience.” spirit, he intends to run for District Director in
Keeping that experience fresh and valuable are the spring.
crucial for membership retention and personal For those ready to start their move up the
growth, because recruiting and retaining Toastmasters ladder, he asks members across
members are always challenging, as experience the District to “look at opportunities for them
has shown him. One positive sign he sees is that to give back. We need lots of help to make this
“we are getting younger members, and we really a successful leadership organization.” Those
need to continue that transition,” which includes who want to volunteer can reach PJ at pqd@
embracing Pathways.