Page 10 - October 2019
P. 10
The Journey Is the Destination: Some Lessons Learned
Emilie Taylor, DTM - District Director
My life has been hectic for several years now— over 206,000 miles!
and it has been tough to get away until Olallie Since I protested against camping (Steven
Lake. loves it), he compromised with a cabin. I was
My husband, Steven, had scheduled some excited, no more sleeping on boulders with
quiet time—I mean real quiet time. We were critters crawling into the sleeping bag to share
going out on an adventure! An Olallie Lake their warmth with me! A cabin—we’ll talk about
adventure! Pulling me away from responsibilities, that later.
planning, and activities was like giving a cat a We travelled 80 miles east and south on
bath. Hwy 224, then 46, then on Forest Service Road
Me? I would be packing for days, with not 4690. From a two-lane road with passing lanes,
an item forgotten for the trip. But not this time. to two lanes overgrown with encroaching trees
For once in a long while, I was going to let go and no shoulders, to “Less Improved” asphalt, to
and not do anything that required planning or gravel, to “Dis Approved” (my term) road with
thinking. An experiment so to speak. I would rocks sticking up from the roadbed—waiting to
pack a toothbrush and some clothing, then connect with our transmission or oil pan, and
sit in the car and let the adventure unfold. potholes that could swallow a Fiat 500 and leave
Steven would have to do all of the thinking and no trace! An easy 80 miles to The Dalles and
planning—and he did! then a 3-hour hazardous trek to Olallie Lake.
We decided to take our adventure in the Now for the metaphysics lesson—Be Mindful:
off-road vehicle—our 1993 Honda Accord The Journey is the Destination. The last 13 miles—
Sedan. Yes, built for off-roading! Five-inch road blinking, distracted thought and lack of focus
clearance and a hefty four-cylinder engine with could result in unintended consequences. The