Page 11 - October 2019
P. 11

The Journey Is the Destination: Some Lessons Learned

 Emilie Taylor, DTM - District Director

      road is narrow, there are sheer dropoffs on one        always a good thing to do. Yes, I am condensing
      side and steep hillsides with many boulders,           this two-day adventure and three-hour drive
      that could fall any moment. In the more-               into a few paragraphs.
      or-less level areas, there were potholes and               The reward was Olallie Lake (it means

      strange, football-sized rocks that appeared to be      Huckleberry Lake). Mount Jefferson was reflected
      chipmunks anxiously waiting to meet us. How            in it’s mirror-like surface. The lake is pristine. No
      did they get there? I heard that our destination       swimming in it and no power boats on it. The lake
      was intersecting with the Pacific Crest Trail. I       water is what you drink. It’s beautiful. Peaceful

      thought we were actually on the trail sometimes.       and relaxing—a rustic place. No cell service. No
         The closer we came to our destination, the          electricity. No shower. We were blessed with an
      deeper the potholes and larger the rocks. There        outhouse and a spigot of water outside our cabin.
      were times of strategy, going around, over or          The water was refreshing, the outhouse—not so

      through the pot holes. Steven reminded me              much. Our cabin had an oil lamp for light and a
      to be mindful of not just the potholes but the         small wood stove. Truly a place where the outside
      rocks. Soon enough we saw a protruding rock            world seemed so far away.
      and a trail of black oil,and around the corner, an         Since we arrived near sunset, we unloaded to

      abandoned vehicle. Getting there with whatever         Cabin #8, rented a paddle boat, and discovered
      you have is the journey and adventure. It was          why we do not own one, did a few circles for 15
      an ARE-WE-THERE-YET event for me as the                minutes and watched the sun set. We then fired
      journey was so Indiana Jonesish! In retrospect,        up the stove and roasted our hot dogs inside the

      I began to settle in and enjoy it. Learning how to     stove as open fires were prohibited.
      get there, with the least amount of fretfulness, is        Sitting on the porch we were overwhelmed

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