Page 12 - May 2019 Voices
P. 12
Bird Calls. . .
Emilie Taylor, DTM
Program Quality Director
Spending time at the Tualatin River Wild Life When fear triggers our fight or flight response,
Refuge Bird Festival this past weekend made we can choose to fight for growth. Instead we fky
me think of bird calls. What do bird calls and away from new opportunities and higher vistas
becoming Distinguished Clubs have in common? in our path to personal growth. It takes the same
Apparently more than we think! amount of energy to fly towards or away from
Bird calls are encouragements, support, and our meaningful goals. Do not let fear block your
just the right kind of “push” to help our members flight path, as it is only a wispy cloud.
work through their goals. Personal goals usually Here are some ideas that get the flock excited
end up aligning with club goals. When we’ve and motivated. There’s still plenty of time left
reached our goals, we fly to new heights. to finish strong!
Members sing praises. . . Bird calls are a way • Conduct an Open House
for the flock to be in contact. Members tweeting • Encourage members to submit their
their friends to look into Toastmasters helps educational awards. Don’t hold these
with membership goals. Sharing stories of Table awards until the end of June. Celebrate
Topics fun with friends and acquaintances may and recognize!
spark their curiosity. It may just be the thing that • Conduct Moments of Truth—see where
brings them to their first meeting. adjustments need to be made and make
There are “Fowl Things” we sometimes do them! A quick turn may be all that is
that can snare us and keep us on the ground. needed to reach personal and club goals.
But then, somethings are not quacked up to be. As of May 19, 2019, our District has 25
Ducking out of responsibilities that have the Distinguished or better clubs. Let’s give a round
potential to make one grow. When we duck out, of applause to the clubs who’ve flocked to the
we miss out. goal line—or should I say sing like a Meadowlark