Page 14 - May 2019 Voices
P. 14
Open letter to all members --
Congratulations to all District 7 2019-2020 Club Officers! You are all invited to
attend The Leadership Pulse: District 7’s Summer Toastmasters Leadership Institute
for officer club training. Keynote Speaker Mary Morrison, Region 1 International
Director, will kick off the day with Touchstones for Leadership. You can find the
agenda and more information about the Keynote on pages 24-25 of this issue.
Why attend?
• Club quality and success have been linked to club officers attending training.
Important information gained can be shared with club members.
• Your club will earn credit towards Goal #9 in the Distinguished Club Program
(DCP). Credit will be earned when at least four club officers attend. But why
limit your club’s success? Encourage all club officers to attend and start the
year strong!
• Networking event with new and experienced Toastmasters. Connect with
old friends you haven’t seen in a while. Make new friends!
• Open to any member, especially the ones exploring future leadership roles.
• Share best practices with other officers.
Let’s kick off the Toastmaster year with excitement and enthusiasm. As the heart
of the district, you are the reason we exist and have purpose. I look forward to
celebrating a successful year with you.
Let’s have FUN!
Emilie Taylor, DTM
Program Quality Director
2019-20 District Director Elect