Page 13 - 2019 March Voices
P. 13


      Spring into Action!

      Emilie Taylor, DTM

      Program Quality Director

      Spring has sprung! We have recently seen more  is highly likely with the group energy and
      sunshine, The fruit trees are ready to burst forth  enthusiasm that they will reach their goal.
      with the pent-up energy of wanting to express  Where is your club at? The Moments of Truth
      their life’s purpose—Growth and Fruitage.               module is a great way to see where the needle is

          When I think of  Toastmasters and our clubs,  pointing in a club. There are little things each
      I wish to see them also reaching their highest  of us can do to help our clubs be Distinguished
      potential. Our clubs become Distinguished                  •  Give the gift of a Toastmaster membership
      only by the light that shines from each member.                to someone who could use it.

      Individual goals reached indeed help the club.             •  Help club members with their educational
      The growth we receive from our activities also                 goals. Help and encouragement are great
      affects us and those around us. There are two                  powerful gifts that can make a difference
      directions that a club can go. Distinguished or                in another’s life path.

      Extinguished. Where is the needle pointing?                •  Help other clubs. We cross paths with
      We are approaching the 4th quarter of the                      other clubs. What makes your club great
      Toastmaster year.                                              may be just the thing to help another
          Where  are we with  our club  goals?                       club be successful. Volunteer to share

      This past week I was at a club meeting and                     your ideas and gifts.  After all, we are all
      gave them a club update of where they were in                  striving to become better.
      completing their Distinguished Club Program                Something to remember. . . personal goals
      (DCP) goals. I was happy to report that the club  align with club goals. When you work  to become

      had reached 7 DCP goals. They are on track to  a better speaker, you are lifting the entire club.
      achieving all of their educational goals. The              We look forward to hearing how your club
      caveat is the membership goals. They need  used “Spring Into Action” as a  viable part of
      to have at least 5 new members by June 30. It  your 4th Quarter final drive. Have fun with it!

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