Page 8 - 2019 March Voices
P. 8


                                                                 What is your favorite Toastmaster


                                                                    I don’t know what to do with the category
                                                                 “favorite.” As I thought of an answer, labels
                                                                 such as “exhilarating,” “touching,” and
                                                                 “meaningful” came to mind. The one I

                                                                 most often talk about is in the category of
                                                                 “exhilarating.” It occurred on Saturday,
                                                                 August 17, 1992, in Las Vegas, Nevada, when
                                                                 the contest chair announced the 1992 World

                                                                 Champion of Public Speaking.

      How has Toastmasters impacted your life?               What is your greatest lesson learned on the

                                                             road to World Champion of Public Speaking?
          The impact on my life of my membership in
      Toastmasters is immeasurable. I can offer what I           The objective for participating in the contest

      know, but the unknown wraps around the globe.  should not be about winning. It should be about
      People now laugh during my presentations.  giving something of value to the audience and
      (Some may also laugh at my presentations.) I won  having fun doing so.
      the World Championship of Public Speaking in
      1992. I now earn money speaking. I developed  Is there something you know now that you

      the confidence to write and publish my thoughts;       wish you knew then?
      I’ve been selling my books and recorded speeches
      for nearly twenty-two years. I have mentored               No. What I know now emerged from what I

      others in public speaking—individuals from  learned then. ‘Then’ had to come first.
      elementary schools to corporate boardrooms.
      My mentoring has helped high school students  Why did you become a professional speaker?

      earn over $100,000 in cash and scholarships
      from participation in speech contests. I have had          My decision to speak professional was

      the chance to speak to and befriend people from        suggested by a well wisher (whose identity I don’t
      nine countries. I have unquestionable evidence         know) who congratulated me for winning the
      that my life has made a meaningful difference          regional contest in 1991. She asserted that people
      in the lives of others. I doubt that I would have      would pay hundreds of dollars to hear someone

      done any of this if I had limited myself to my         like me speak. It wasn’t that I wanted the money;
      comfortable, prestigious civil service job with        it was the indication that people found value in
      the State of California.                               what I had to say.

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