Page 33 - 2019 February
P. 33

serve as club officers. Too many times they join  What happened during your time as a protégé?
      and get frustrated trying to find someone to help  What did you learn about yourself and your
      them. But, no one steps forward to impart their  mentor? How effective was your experience?

      experience, mentor the individual on a long-term           But wait there’s even more great and well-
      basis or just be a good example. We don’t have  crafted guidance and hands-on material
      “Givers”, and those who are to be our “Receivers  in the Pathways series. Once you have
      of Memory” lose interest, quit, fade away or never  completed your Level 2, you have the option of
      grow in speechcraft and/or leadership. Sadly,  continuing with mentorship by accessing the
      this is a major trend currently in Toastmasters,  Pathways Mentor Program elective. (It should
      especially since the introduction of the Pathways  appear as a suggested training opportunity).
      program. I believe Toastmasters International  This elective is great “stuff” as you review the
      recognizes this inclination among our clubs  overview of mentoring, work on your first project

      what with the membership being so transitory.          of setting your goals and interests in mentoring,
          What is it that we have in Toastmasters  proceeding to a short-term mentoring experience
      to encourage this mentor-protégé process  and then pressing forward to the Advanced
      and experience? Don’t despair and don’t  Mentor experience of a six-month project with
      fret! There is help for both the mentor  your protégé. Once you have completed all the
      and the protégé in the Pathways program.   components and concluded a full path (Level 5),
      In the traditional Competent Leader award,  you will receive a Pathways Mentor designation.

      project 9 required one to either mentor a new              I have never once regretted becoming a
      member or an existing member for a minimum  protégé of “Uncle Bob” and then a mentor. Few
      of three speeches. There is a Mentor Program  are born with all the skills to be a mentor. Not
      Kit (#1163) which is full of tips available from  everyone can be the best mentor ever—until they
      Toastmasters. It can be given to the new mentor  step forward and take the time to learn the “tricks
      to help them learn about their role .                  of the trade” and venture out to assist someone
          The reality is there is too little information  else. I have had the pleasure of mentoring
      and an all-too-brief experience for both  others in Scouting, my work and Toastmasters.
      the mentor and protégé. Many clubs put  I am a better person for it all. I am “The Giver”

      mentoring information on the back-burner of  looking for someone to be my “Receiver of
      their many roles within the club experience.  Memory” for the world in which I live. Do you
      Pathways offers two opportunities for mentor/          want to be a mentor? Or are you seeking to be
      protégé training. The first is the third component  a protégé? Toastmasters can be the vehicle to a
      of your Level 2 path. In fact, it’s the same for  richly rewarding experience-that of the mentor
      all paths. It’s called Introduction to Toastmasters  and his protégé! May you too learn to “live
      Mentoring with the requisite speech, for this  to serve” through the Toastmasters program.

      portion of Level 2, being your protégé experience.

                                                                                VOICES! | FEBRUARY 2019      33
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