Page 28 - 2019 February
P. 28
Invest in Yourself: Attend
Potential Unleashed!
Leanna Lindquist, DTM
District 7 Conference Chair
Investing in yourself is the best investment you will Conferences provide a unique combination of
ever make. It will not only improve your life, it will networking, learning, and fun in a single package.
improve the lives of all those around you.—Robin Meet new and old friends, mix and mingle, form
Sharma #1 Bestselling author of The Leader new relationships, and strengthen existing ones.
Who Had No Title So why attend conferences? We each have
Self-investment is the key that opens our own reasons for attending but my personal
any closed door. Conference attendance can opinion is that conference attendance dramatically
enhance your professional and personal enhances both professional and personal
investment as well as provide you with tools development.
and skills which you cannot be taught in-house After the conference you will have a renewed
or online. There’s nothing like being in a room motivation to pursue your goals and find your
of like-minded people, other people who are enthusiasm rekindled. This can lead to higher
willing to take time to learn something new. productivity and fulfillment of professional and
Other people who want to “better” themselves. personal goals.
When you sit in a classroom or auditorium, You owe it to yourself to attend Potential
you discover you’re not alone in wanting to Unleashed!
improve your skills and bring something back
to your office or club. Register Now!
APRIL 26-27, 2019
Camp Withycombe, Clackamas, Oregon