Page 17 - 2019 February
P. 17
The Fork in the Road
Donna Stark, DTM
Immediate Past District Director
I’ve been traveling merrily down the Effective up, as with any path, will be the Ice Breaker. I
Coaching path, and I’ve come to a fork in the thought about the aspects of my life that could be
road. The preeminent philosopher of his time, considered humorous.
Yogi Berra, said: “If you come to a fork in the My friends and family
road, take it.” The long-awaited eleventh Path assure me I have plenty
is that fork, and I’m on my way! of material (gee, aren’t
The Engaging Humor path became they funny). I’ve since
available earlier this month. Base Camp realized my primary
describes the path as designed to help you goal isn’t necessarily to
build your skills as a humorous and tell jokes or get laughs. My
engaging public speaker. The projects goal is to better use humor
on this path focus on understanding to engage an audience.
your sense of humor and how To establish a connection
that sense of humor translates to that facilitates effective
engaging audience members. The delivery of any type of message.
projects contribute to developing an Mark Twain is credited with one
understanding of how to effectively of my favorite definitions of humor.
use humor in a speech, including “Humor,” says Twain, “is tragedy plus
challenging situations and time.” Some situations will take more
impromptu speeches. This time than others, but I’m counting
path culminates in an on the Engaging Humor path to help
extended humorous speech me, eventually, find the humor in any
that will allow you to apply situation.
what you learned. One of the level-three electives is
The Entertaining titled, “Your Humor Style.” I’m guessing
Speaker and Humorously mine will be sarcastic. I’ve bought
Speaking manuals in the into the belief that laughter is the best
legacy program were two medicine, and plan to have a great time
of my favorites. The new discovering and developing my style!
Engaging Humor path Where is Pathways taking you?
sounds like it’s right up my
alley and I can’t wait to get started! First