Page 14 - 2019 February
P. 14
Go and Grow!
Emilie Taylor, DTM
Program Quality Director
Have you had a chance to look at the District
7 Calendar? It is full of exciting upcoming
events . . . from area and division club officer
training and contests, to webinars, club events,
and the annual district conference. It is indeed
a wealth of opportunities to learn, network and club contestants in the area contest. If you check
be inspired! If you go, you will grow! the calendar, you will see dates for different areas.
I encourage all of you to go and see beyond the
Club Officer Training/Make up Training club experience. Area and division contests are
If you are an officer and you missed the TLI events that will solidify your club as you cheer
this past January, please check the calendar for for your contestants. More importantly, it is a
dates. It is important that you attend the training. place where growth happens. Go and grow!!!
It is a great networking event. You will meet other When I was an area director years ago, I was
Toastmasters from outside of your club. This is responsible for my area contest. Luckily for me, I
an opportunity to expand your circle of contacts had my contest with two other areas. By sharing
and make new friends. It is a great place to learn our resources, Lisa Hutton, Joe Anthony and I
new ideas and share your ideas. With fresh ideas relied on each other to produce a great event.
you can share with your club, you will energize It was a nerve-wracking but highly successful
your club and be a catalyst for growth. It is a place event. Everyone had a great time and we grew
where you can gain confidence because you are in confidence. Best of all, the three of us bonded.
surrounded with officers like yourself wanting to You don’t have to be an area director to
become better at the role you have volunteered experience growth. Just by attending, you will
for. Finally, you can help your club achieve Goal see and feel the value. You will see speakers
#9 of the Distinguished Club Program (DCP). from outside your club. You will meet new
Even if you are not an officer, attend anyway. Toastmasters and make new friends. And if
You will benefit from it. you are brave enough, volunteer to be a judge, a
ballot counter, or a timer. It is in stepping outside
Area and Division Contests your club comfort zone that you grow. So give it
I hope you all had a wonderful experience a whirl. Feel the rush of endorphins when you
with you club Evaluation and International challenge yourself to go beyond your comfort
Speech contests. Now is the time to support your zone. Go and Grow! Most of all, have FUN!