Page 12 - 2019 February
P. 12
The Three R’s
John Rodke, DTM - District Director
Release, Recognize, and Reflect are three R’s that Paul Fanning (Division F), Kathleen Tully
affect our journey in life, and in Toastmasters. (Division E), and Lorri Andersen (Division H) into
their new roles. These amazing leaders, along
Release with our cadre of Area and Division Directors,
Envision yourself as Tarzan, swinging from have been doing a wonderful job of supporting
vine to vine in a dense jungle. You have to let go our members, and are continuing to provide
of the vine you are holding, to grasp the next and opportunities for us to succeed. Thank you for
progress forward. If you don’t, you get stuck. Life all your effort!
is the same way. We need to let go of one role/
opportunity/responsibility in order to grasp the Reflect
next, or we stay in place. There is no way to change the past, but we can
Three of our Division Directors realized that learn from it, and improve from the experience.
they needed to release their responsibilities in We can all reflect on the opportunities, changes,
the last month: Pam Gundrum (Division F), and experiences we have had this year in
Sue Unger (Division E), and Katrina Rodriguez Toastmasters, and in life. I ask you to look back
(Division H). Thank you so much for your effort and see how you have grown, maybe find a
to support and lead our members this year. few elements that you are still clinging to, and
We wish you success on your future goals and celebrate the experiential lessons you have
opportunities! learned along the way.
I look forward to hearing about and witnessing
Recognize your leaps forward at our upcoming TLI’s and
Taking stock of where you are, what resources contests. Like a dense jungle, our way forward
you have, and what paths are available to you is may be a bit eerie, spooky, and unknown. As
a vital step towards success. What opportunities a District, we can use this network to support,
are within your grasp to help you move towards encourage, and celebrate each other as we swing
your goals? forward, out of our comfort zone, and into our
We have three awesome leaders who have growth zone!
recognized their potential, and swung into place
to help support our members. Please welcome