Page 46 - 2018 September Voices
P. 46
Charter Member, Club #31
Harvey Schowe, DTM - District Historian
This article about Robert J. Chrisman, a Portland Toastmasters Club #31 charter member, is the last in
a series about Club #31 charter members. They left a lasting legacy after founding Oregon’s first successful
Toastmasters club that remains active today. One of its former members, Ryan Avery,became World Champion
of Public Speaking at the 2012 Toastmasters International Convention.
Robert Chrisman’s story begins on May 4, 1890 1917 after the US entered World War I. He was
in Danville, Kentucky where he was born to promoted to First Lieutenant of Company B of
Addie H. Kerr, agardener, and George Chrisman, the 116 US Engineers. After passing an exam with
a farmer. He attended primary school and high a 100% score, he was promoted to captain. He
school in Danville, Kentucky. After high school served in France for 18 months before returning
graduation he studied at Center College where he to the US in May 1919. He was discharged as a
became a star football player. He attended Oregon captain in the US Reserves.
Agriculture School, now known as Oregon State At Staunton, Virginia, on September 6, 1919, he
University, majoring in Forestry. married Addie Kerr, a teacher, at North Carolina
At Oregon Agricultural College, he School of the Deaf. After their marriage they
participated in various activities. He served as moved to Portland, Oregon where he worked
a club officer for the Forestry Club; president for Farmers Insurance as an underwriter. In the
of R. R. Club; and Orange O club treasurer early 1930s he partnered with Norman Oliphant,
and president. He was a member of Easterners an Oregon Agriculture College graduate, to
Club, the YMCA, Delta Omega Fraternity, establish the Farmers Automobile Inter-Insurance
and the football team, where he was known as Exchange. In the 1930s, Robert Chrisman
anaggressive lineman. He scored a touchdown remained an active member of the Oregon
during a game with Whitman College in 1914. State College alumni club Orange Council
Oregon State University officials named a football participating in fund raising events. Charles Stidd
lineman trophy after him in the 1950’s. After and Lynn Sabin, Portland Toastmasters charter
graduation in 1915, he worked as physical director members, belonged to the Orange Council
for about two years at the North Carolina School alumni organization.
of the Deaf. He left this During the fall of 1934, Robert Chrisman
position for a sales job at the wholesale Douglas became a charter member of Portland
Fir Lumber Company in Portland, Oregon with Toastmasters Club #31. In February 1935, he
offices in the 1110 Yeon Building. participated in the first Oregon Toastmasters
He enlisted in the US army in the fall of Speaker’s Bureau. This activity was part of the