Page 41 - 2018 September Voices
P. 41
Schoolhouse for Speakers!
B. Lee Coyne, ATMS
Ding a ling. The schoolhouse bell is ringing, well we all landed. All of which propels us to
fellow students. Time to gather our supplies and make certain that our gear is well maintained.
head to the classroom. So much to master. Any Leader and Follower sharpens the tools
Our TM curriculum contains two of life in Toastmasters Territory. From a staff
branches: effective leadership and copacetic meeting at work to problem solving at home with
communications. They rely on one another. a mate, communicating is a vital component.
We ready rotate roles in this our salad bar of Those who falter will be sentenced to infamy.
skills. For example: That’s the final word.
TOASTMASTER. This tasks us with running Lee Coyne has been active in TM clubs for two
the show. We must both plan and implement. decades covering Vitginia, New Mexico, and Oregon.
Our coordination skills are tested.
SPEAKER. Here we convert our thoughts into
words designed to reach out to others. That pitch
differs with the purpose and our toolkit offers
many options.
EVALUATOR. An opportunity to use
our analytic powers. We blend the skills of
compliment and critique,but dare not leave out
GRAMMARIAN. Listening is prime. We
are seeking out apt grammar as well as signs of
eloquence. Let no cliche be your verbal crutch.
TIMER. Nobody is allowed to hog the
footlights. Our air time becomes finite. Hot air
must cool and get some gentle discipline.
AH COUNTER. He who hesitates likewise
vacillates. Our goal here is to ditch the fillers and
stick to the basic delivery. With chivalry!
controllers of the speech format to assess how