Page 42 - 2018 September Voices
P. 42

Coaches Corner

                    You Can’t Tell a Book (or Toastmasters Club) by the Cover

                                                                                   Paul Fanning, DTM - Club Coach Coordinator

      For thirty years, I had been going to an antique  You can’t tell a club by its “cover” either. Yes, we
      and bookstore run by a seemingly well educated  can review reports on the TM website, etc., but
      and scholarly gentleman by the name of  it’s not until you open the “volume” of that club

      Wendell  P. Hammond. When I was a teenager,  and peer inside can you see its actual makeup,
      I was impressed by the bookshelf behind his  vision, and membership experience. That’s one
      counter that had a series of bound books with  of the reasons why Toastmasters had created
      colorful covers and gold leaf embossed lettering  the position of Club Coach. It is to assist a club

      written by him. One title always caught my  in their efforts to deliver a quality, positive
      eye, All I Know About Gold Dredging, and his  membership experience, and help them discover
      name “Wendell P. Hammond.” After he died  what their “secret” behind the “covers” may
      his store, stock, and fixtures went up for sale.  be. What’s the makeup of the club? Are their

      Having the fond memories of Wendell P. (as he  restrictions that hold back membership growth?
      was called by all of us,) I went to the sale and  Why have they lost (or never added) members?
      actually found his opus for sale. Then I made a  What can we, the district, do to help them? What
      great discovery. I asked the clerk if I could see  resources can we share with them-and on and on.

      it and after I was handed the green bound tome             I have been asked in my limited time as
      with the decorative designs and gold embossed  coordinator one reoccurring question: Why
      lettering, I discovered his great secret-every page  do we need a Club Coach? I could answer that
      was blank behind the elaborate covers! All his  question with a stock answer of “because TMI

      impressive shelf full of self-written books were  has you on the list needing a coach”, but the
      the same. This was Wendell’s greatest joke on  answer isn’t that simple. I see the club coach as
      us all. You really can’t tell a book by its cover.     someone who will come to your club, conduct an
          It’s the same with our Toastmaster Clubs.  assessment, and agree to help you for the next

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